#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
import pandas as pd
# The modified link to the Google Sheets CSV export
# Load the data into a DataFrame directly from the CSV export link
player_stats = pd.read_csv('player_stats.csv')
# In[2]:
import panel as pn
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import os
from PIL import Image # Add this import statement
import numpy as np
import requests
from io import BytesIO
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
# Initialize Panel extension
# Title and Introduction
header = pn.pane.Markdown("## Player Statistics Dashboard presented by Minh Trinh, collaborated with Professor Eren Bilen")
intro = pn.pane.Markdown("""
Welcome to the Complex Tennis Player Statistics Interactive Dashboard!
This interactive dashboard illustrates a comprehensive overview of individual player statistics in Grand Slam events from 2019 to 2023. You can compare the selected player’s performance against the averages of other
elite and non-elite players, as well as visualize their serve distribution.""")
comparison_table_title = pn.pane.Markdown("""
### Comparison Table: Player vs Elite vs Non-Elite Statistics
##### Elite players are the players with the best performances in Grand Slam from 2019-2023. The 'elite players' list includes: Novak Djokovic, Alexander Zverev, Andrey Rublev, Carlos Alcaraz, Casper Ruud, Daniil Medvedev, Dominic Thiem, Felix Auger Aliassime, Matteo Berrettini, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, and Stefanos Tsitsipas
# Sidebar Dropdown for Player Selection
selected_player_widget = pn.widgets.Select(
name="Select Player",
options=list(player_stats['player_name'].unique()), # Convert to list
image_path = "novakkk.jpg" # Replace with the correct path if it's not in the working directory
if os.path.exists(image_path):
sidebar_image = pn.layout.Column(
pn.pane.JPG(image_path, width=300, height=200),
print(f"Image '{image_path}' not found. Using a placeholder.")
sidebar_image = pn.pane.Markdown("### [Image Not Found]")
# Calculate Average Stats for Elite and Non-Elite Players
elite_avg_stats = player_stats[player_stats["elite_numeric"] == 1].mean(numeric_only=True)
non_elite_avg_stats = player_stats[player_stats["elite_numeric"] == 0].mean(numeric_only=True)
# Function to create comparison table
def create_comparison_table(selected_player):
player_data = player_stats[player_stats["player_name"] == selected_player].iloc[0]
comparison_table = pd.DataFrame({
"Metric": [
"Grand Slam Matches Win%","Avg 1st Serve Speed (KM/H)", "Avg 2nd Serve Speed (KM/H)", "Matches Played",
"Aces per Match", "Double Faults per Match", "Deep Return %",
"1st Serve In per Match",
"1st Serve Won per Match", "2nd Serve Won per Match", "Break Points Saved per Match",
"Break Points Faced per Match", "Break Points Saved Percentage", "Deficit per Match",
"Forehand Winners per Match", "Backhand Winners per Match", "0-4 Rallies Win %", "5-8 Rallies Win %"
, "9+ Rallies Win %"
f"{selected_player}'s Stats": [
player_data["Match_Win_Percentage"],player_data["Avg_1st_ServeSpeed"], player_data["Avg_2nd_ServeSpeed"], player_data["match_played"],
player_data["avg_ace"], player_data["avg_df"], player_data["Deep_Return%"],
player_data["1stWon_per_match"], player_data["2ndWon_per_match"], player_data["bpSaved_per_match"],
player_data["bpFaced_per_match"], player_data["bpSaved%"], player_data["avg_deficit"],
player_data["avg_Forehand"], player_data["avg_Backhand"],player_data["0-4_%"],
"Elite Players' Average": [
elite_avg_stats["Match_Win_Percentage"],elite_avg_stats["Avg_1st_ServeSpeed"], elite_avg_stats["Avg_2nd_ServeSpeed"], elite_avg_stats["match_played"],
elite_avg_stats["avg_ace"], elite_avg_stats["avg_df"], elite_avg_stats["Deep_Return%"],
elite_avg_stats["1stWon_per_match"], elite_avg_stats["2ndWon_per_match"], elite_avg_stats["bpSaved_per_match"],
elite_avg_stats["bpFaced_per_match"], elite_avg_stats["bpSaved%"], elite_avg_stats["avg_deficit"],
elite_avg_stats["avg_Forehand"], elite_avg_stats["avg_Backhand"],elite_avg_stats["0-4_%"],
"Non-Elite Players' Average": [
non_elite_avg_stats["Match_Win_Percentage"],non_elite_avg_stats["Avg_1st_ServeSpeed"], non_elite_avg_stats["Avg_2nd_ServeSpeed"], non_elite_avg_stats["match_played"],
non_elite_avg_stats["avg_ace"], non_elite_avg_stats["avg_df"], non_elite_avg_stats["Deep_Return%"],
non_elite_avg_stats["1stWon_per_match"], non_elite_avg_stats["2ndWon_per_match"], non_elite_avg_stats["bpSaved_per_match"],
non_elite_avg_stats["bpFaced_per_match"], non_elite_avg_stats["bpSaved%"], non_elite_avg_stats["avg_deficit"],
non_elite_avg_stats["avg_Forehand"], non_elite_avg_stats["avg_Backhand"], non_elite_avg_stats["0-4_%"],
# Ensure that values are numeric and format with 2 decimals without trailing zeros
for col in comparison_table.columns[1:]:
comparison_table[col] = comparison_table[col].apply(lambda x: f"{x:.2f}".rstrip('0').rstrip('.'))
return comparison_table
def highlight_values(row):
Apply color formatting to highlight the highest and lowest values in a row.
Green for the largest value, red for the smallest value.
row (pd.Series): A row of numeric values.
list: A list of CSS styles for each value in the row.
# Convert row to numeric values, ignoring non-numeric values
numeric_values = pd.to_numeric(row, errors='coerce')
# Identify max and min values (ignoring NaNs)
max_val = numeric_values.max()
min_val = numeric_values.min()
# Apply colors based on max and min values
colors = [
"color: green;" if value == max_val else
"color: red;" if value == min_val else
for value in numeric_values
return colors
# Function to update the dashboard dynamically
def update_dashboard(event):
selected_player = selected_player_widget.value
comparison_table = create_comparison_table(selected_player)
# Apply styling to the table
styled_table = (
.style.apply(highlight_values, axis=1, subset=[f"{selected_player}'s Stats", "Elite Players' Average", "Non-Elite Players' Average"])
comparison_table_pane.object = styled_table
# Create initial comparison table for the first player
comparison_table_pane = pn.pane.DataFrame(create_comparison_table(selected_player_widget.value), width=600, height=200)
# Watch the player selection to update the table
selected_player_widget.param.watch(update_dashboard, 'value')
# Watch the player selection to update the table
selected_player_widget.param.watch(update_dashboard, 'value')
note = pn.pane.Markdown("""
- The comparison table shows the player's statistics against the averages of elite and non-elite players.
- **Elite players** are those ranked in the top 10, while **Non-Elite players** are those ranked outside of the top 10.
- This dashboard helps to visualize the player's performance in comparison to their peers in Grand Slam events.
""", width=400, height=200)
# Arrange the comparison table and the note side by side
layout = pn.layout.Column(
pn.Row(comparison_table_pane, note),
# Define court regions
regions_ctl = {
'W': {'x_min': 14, 'x_max': 16.25, 'y_min': 13, 'y_max': 18, 'color': '#d7d7d7'},
'BW': {'x_min': 16.25, 'x_max': 18.5, 'y_min': 13, 'y_max': 18, 'color': '#1f1f1f'},
'B': {'x_min': 18.5, 'x_max': 20.75, 'y_min': 13, 'y_max': 18, 'color': '#141414'},
'BC': {'x_min': 20.75, 'x_max': 23, 'y_min': 13, 'y_max': 18, 'color': '#2d2d2d'},
'C': {'x_min': 23, 'x_max': 25, 'y_min': 13, 'y_max': 18, 'color': '#484848'}
regions_nctl = {
'W': {'x_min': 14, 'x_max': 16.25, 'y_min': 18, 'y_max': 23, 'color': '#4d4d4d'},
'BW': {'x_min': 16.25, 'x_max': 18.5, 'y_min': 18, 'y_max': 23, 'color': '#a7a7a7'},
'B': {'x_min': 18.5, 'x_max': 20.75, 'y_min': 18, 'y_max': 23, 'color': '#636363'},
'BC': {'x_min': 20.75, 'x_max': 23, 'y_min': 18, 'y_max': 23, 'color': '#888888'},
'C': {'x_min': 23, 'x_max': 25, 'y_min': 18, 'y_max': 23, 'color': '#ffffff'}
# Define label positions
label_positions = {
'NCTL_C': {'x': 45, 'y': 35},
'NCTL_BC': {'x': 40, 'y': 45},
'NCTL_B': {'x': 25, 'y': 45},
'NCTL_BW': {'x': 15, 'y': 35},
'NCTL_W': {'x': 5, 'y': 45},
'CTL_C': {'x': 45, 'y': 15},
'CTL_BC': {'x': 42, 'y': 5},
'CTL_B': {'x': 22, 'y': 7},
'CTL_BW': {'x': 7, 'y': 5},
'CTL_W': {'x': 5, 'y': 15}
# Function to prepare serve data for a player
def prepare_player_serve_data(player_name):
player_data = player_stats[player_stats['player_name'] == player_name]
serve_data = []
for col in player_data.columns:
if col.startswith("CTL") or col.startswith("NCTL"):
serve_depth, serve_width = col.split("_")
count = player_data[col].values[0]
"ServeDepth": serve_depth,
"ServeWidth": serve_width,
"count": count
serve_df = pd.DataFrame(serve_data)
total_shots = serve_df['count'].sum()
serve_df['percentage'] = (serve_df['count'] / total_shots) * 100
return serve_df
# Function to add labels
def add_labels_for_regions(data_counts, label_positions, region_type, regions):
for _, row in data_counts.iterrows():
serve_width = row['ServeWidth']
count = row['count']
percentage = row['percentage']
# Construct the key dynamically
label_key = f"{region_type}_{serve_width}"
# Check if label_key exists in label_positions
if label_key in label_positions:
x = label_positions[label_key]['x']
y = label_positions[label_key]['y']
raise ValueError(f"Label position for '{label_key}' not defined in label_positions.")
# Label content
label = f"{region_type} {serve_width}\n{count} shots\n({percentage:.2f}%)"
# Draw line to region center
region_center_x = (regions[serve_width]['x_min'] + regions[serve_width]['x_max']) / 2
region_center_y = (regions[serve_width]['y_min'] + regions[serve_width]['y_max']) / 2
plt.plot([x, region_center_x], [y, region_center_y], color='white', lw=1)
# Add label background box
label_box = patches.FancyBboxPatch(
(x - 6, y - 3.5), 12, 7, boxstyle="round,pad=0.3",
edgecolor='none', facecolor=regions[serve_width]['color'], alpha=0.6
# Add text
plt.text(x, y, label, fontsize=9, ha='center', va='center', color='white')
# Function to dynamically assign colors based on serve percentages
def assign_dynamic_colors(regions, data_counts):
Assign colors to regions dynamically based on serve percentages, using a seismic color scale.
regions (dict): Dictionary of regions (CTL or NCTL).
data_counts (pd.DataFrame): Serve data with percentage for each region.
dict: Updated regions with dynamically assigned colors.
# Normalize percentages between -1 and 1 for seismic color mapping
percentages = data_counts['percentage'].values
normalized = 2 * ((percentages - percentages.min()) / (percentages.max() - percentages.min())) - 1 if len(percentages) > 1 else [0] * len(percentages)
# Map normalized values to the seismic color scale
for region, norm_val in zip(data_counts['ServeWidth'], normalized):
if norm_val < 0:
# Blue to white (low values): interpolate between Blue (#0000FF) and White (#FFFFFF)
r = int(255 * (1 + norm_val)) # Increase red
g = int(255 * (1 + norm_val)) # Increase green
b = 255 # Blue remains max
# White to red (high values): interpolate between White (#FFFFFF) and Red (#FF0000)
r = 255 # Red remains max
g = int(255 * (1 - norm_val)) # Decrease green
b = int(255 * (1 - norm_val)) # Decrease blue
color = f'#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}' # Seismic hex color
regions[region]['color'] = color
return regions
def load_court_image():
court_img_path = 'wimbledon_grass_court.jpg'
if os.path.exists(court_img_path):
img = Image.open(court_img_path)
return np.array(img)
print("Court image not found. Using a placeholder.")
return np.ones((500, 500, 3)) # Placeholder
def plot_combined_serve_distribution(player_name):
Plot the combined serve distribution for the selected player.
player_name (str): Name of the selected player.
matplotlib.figure.Figure: The plot figure for Panel rendering.
court_image = load_court_image()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Prepare serve data
serve_df = prepare_player_serve_data(player_name)
# Separate CTL and NCTL data
ctl_data = serve_df[serve_df['ServeDepth'] == 'CTL']
nctl_data = serve_df[serve_df['ServeDepth'] == 'NCTL']
# Assign dynamic colors based on percentages
assign_dynamic_colors(regions_ctl, ctl_data)
assign_dynamic_colors(regions_nctl, nctl_data)
# Create the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7)) # Expanded figure size
court_img = load_court_image()
ax.imshow(court_img, extent=[0, 50, 0, 50])
ax.set_xlim(0, 50)
ax.set_ylim(0, 50)
# Plot CTL regions
for region, data in regions_ctl.items():
(data['x_min'], data['y_min']),
data['x_max'] - data['x_min'],
data['y_max'] - data['y_min'],
linewidth=1, edgecolor='black', facecolor=data['color'], alpha=0.5
# Plot NCTL regions
for region, data in regions_nctl.items():
(data['x_min'], data['y_min']),
data['x_max'] - data['x_min'],
data['y_max'] - data['y_min'],
linewidth=1, edgecolor='black', facecolor=data['color'], alpha=0.5
# Add labels for CTL and NCTL regions
add_labels_for_regions(ctl_data, label_positions, 'CTL', regions_ctl)
add_labels_for_regions(nctl_data, label_positions, 'NCTL', regions_nctl)
# Titles and axis labels
notes = (
"1. ServeWidth: Categorizes serve placement horizontally:\n"
" - W: Wide\n"
" - BW: Body Wide\n"
" - B: Body\n"
" - BC: Body Center\n"
" - C: Center\n\n"
"2. ServeDepth: Categorizes serve placement vertically:\n"
" - CTL: Close to the Service Line\n"
" - NCTL: Not Close to the Service Line\n\n"
"3. Dynamic Colors: Represent the proportion of serves in each region, with darker red shades indicating higher percentages, and darker blue shades indicating lower percentages."
# Add the notes to the right of the graph
ax_notes = fig.add_axes([0.65, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8]) # Add new axes for the notes
ax_notes.axis('off') # Turn off axes for the notes
0, 1, notes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top',
bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor="white", alpha=0.8), wrap=True
# Add a color legend below the notes
ax_colorbar = fig.add_axes([0.65, 0.475, 0.25, 0.02]) # Position for the colorbar
cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["darkblue", "red"])
norm = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=100)
cb = plt.colorbar(
plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap),
cax=ax_colorbar, orientation='horizontal'
cb.set_label("Percentage of Serves (%)", fontsize=10)
ax.set_title(f'Serve Distribution by {player_name}', fontsize=18, weight='bold')
ax.set_xlabel('Serve Width', fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('Serve Depth', fontsize=12, rotation=90)
# Adjust layout to avoid clipping
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 0.7, 1]) # Leave space for the notes on the right
return fig
def plot_player_line_graph(player_name):
# Get the percentages for the player
player_data = player_stats[player_stats['player_name'] == player_name][['1_%', '2_%', '3_%', '4_%',
'5_%', '6_%', '7_%', '8_%', '9_%', '10_%',
'11_%', '12_%', '13_%', '14_%', '15+_%']].values.flatten()
# Get the average percentages for elite players
elite_data = player_stats[player_stats['elite_numeric'] == 1][['1_%', '2_%', '3_%', '4_%',
'5_%', '6_%', '7_%', '8_%', '9_%', '10_%',
'11_%', '12_%', '13_%', '14_%', '15+_%']].mean().values
# Plot the line graph
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
ax.plot(range(1, 16), player_data, marker='o', color='b', label=player_name)
ax.plot(range(1, 16), elite_data, marker='v', color='r', label='Elite Players (Average)')
ax.set_title(f'Rally Category Percentages for {player_name}')
ax.set_xlabel('Rally Length (Points)')
ax.set_ylabel('Percentage (%)')
ax.set_xticks(range(1, 16))
ax.set_xticklabels([f'{i}' for i in range(1, 16)])
return fig
# Updated: Panel integration for serve distribution
serve_distribution_pane = pn.pane.Matplotlib(
width=800, height=600
# Create a new Matplotlib pane for the line graph
line_graph_pane = pn.pane.Matplotlib(
width=800, height=600
# Updated: Watch player selection for serve graph and line graph
def update_graphs(event):
# Update the serve distribution graph
serve_distribution_pane.object = plot_combined_serve_distribution(selected_player_widget.value)
# Update the line graph
line_graph_pane.object = plot_player_line_graph(selected_player_widget.value)
# Watch for player selection changes
selected_player_widget.param.watch(update_graphs, 'value')
# Updated: Create comparison table dynamically
comparison_table_pane = pn.pane.DataFrame(
width=600, height=400
# Updated: Dynamic dashboard layout with line graph
template = pn.template.FastListTemplate(
title='Complex Professional Tennis Player Statistics in Grand Slams from 2019-2023',
pn.pane.Markdown("# Complex Player Statistics Interactive Dashboard"),
pn.pane.Markdown("### This dashboard is presented by Minh Trinh in collaboration with professor Eren Bilen. \n Contact: quangminh711@gmail.com"),
pn.Column(comparison_table_title, comparison_table_pane, margin=(0, 25), width=300)
line_graph_pane # Add the line graph below the serve distribution
# In[3]:
#get_ipython().system('jupyter nbconvert --to script test.ipynb')
# In[ ]: