import pandas as pd
import solara
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data as vega_data
# Load the CSV file
file_path = 'solara-dropdown.csv' # Adjusted path for your uploaded file
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
# Load a Vega dataset for reference (not used in the final chart but shown for completeness)
stocks = vega_data.stocks()
# Extract unique states from CSV
unique_states = data['state'].unique().tolist()
# Reactive variables
selected_state = solara.reactive(unique_states[0])
generate_trigger = solara.reactive(0)
# Function to generate line chart using Altair
def plot_line_chart(df, state):
filtered_data = df[df['state'] == state]
if filtered_data.empty:
print("No data available for the selected state.")
return None
# Melt the data for better plotting
melted_data = filtered_data.melt(id_vars=['Name'], value_vars=['XCoordinate', 'YCoordinate'], var_name='variable', value_name='value')
# Create the line chart
lines = alt.Chart(melted_data).mark_line().encode(
x=alt.X('Name:N', title='Name', axis=alt.Axis(labelAngle=45)),
y=alt.Y('value:Q', title='Value'),
alt.Tooltip('Name:N', title='Name'),
alt.Tooltip('variable:N', title='Coordinate Type'),
alt.Tooltip('value:Q', title='Coordinate Value'),
alt.Tooltip('XCoordinate:Q', title='X Coordinate'),
alt.Tooltip('YCoordinate:Q', title='Y Coordinate')
width=800, # adjust the width as needed
# Define the horizontal overlay lines
yrule1 = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'value': [40]})).mark_rule(color="cyan", strokeWidth=2).encode(y='value:Q')
yrule2 = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'value': [60]})).mark_rule(color="magenta", strokeWidth=2, strokeDash=[5, 5]).encode(y='value:Q')
yrule3 = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'value': [80]})).mark_rule(color="red", strokeWidth=2).encode(y='value:Q')
# Add points for better tooltip visibility
points = lines.mark_point().encode(
alt.Tooltip('Name:N', title='Name'),
alt.Tooltip('variable:N', title='Coordinate Type'),
alt.Tooltip('value:Q', title='Coordinate Value'),
alt.Tooltip('XCoordinate:Q', title='X Coordinate'),
alt.Tooltip('YCoordinate:Q', title='Y Coordinate')
# Create a layered chart
layer_chart = alt.layer(lines, points, yrule1, yrule2, yrule3).resolve_scale(
return layer_chart
# Components
def View():
if generate_trigger.value > 0 and selected_state.value:
chart = plot_line_chart(data, selected_state.value)
if chart:
with solara.VBox() as main:
solara.Info("Chart has been updated.")
solara.Warning("No data available for the selected state.")
solara.Warning("Please select a state.")
def Controls():
solara.Select('State', values=unique_states, value=selected_state)
def generate_chart():
print(f"Generating chart for state: {selected_state.value}")
generate_trigger.value += 1
solara.Button(label="Generate Chart", on_click=generate_chart, icon_name="mdi-chart-line")
def Page():
with solara.Sidebar():
# Display the page