import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
import as px
import requests
from io import BytesIO
from pyvalet import ValetInterpreter
def load_time_series(chosen_series, group_series, api):
Retrieve metadata and data for the chosen time series.
chosen_series : list
List of the time series selected from the chosen data group.
group_series : pandas.DataFrame
Tabular data containing names, labels, and descriptions of the time series.
api : pyvalet.ValetInterpreter
Bank of Canada open data API client instance.
Tabular data containing the selected time series.
# Initialize an empty DataFrame to store results
data = pd.DataFrame()
# Loop through each selected time series
for series in chosen_series:
selection = group_series[group_series.label == series].name.values[0]
# Fetch observations for the selected series
df = api.get_series_observations(selection, response_format='csv')
# Set the date column as the index
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], errors='coerce') # Handle any parsing issues gracefully
df = df.set_index('date')
# Concatenate the new series to the main DataFrame
data = pd.concat([data, df.iloc[:,:1]], axis=1)
# Set the final index as datetime with proper formatting = 'Date'
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
return data
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
st.set_page_config( # Configure page title, icon, layout, and sidebar state
page_title='Bank of Canada Open Data Explorer',
# Retrieve and display the Bank of Canada's logo on the top of the sidebar
boc_logo = requests.get(''
boc_logo = BytesIO(boc_logo.content)
st.sidebar.image(boc_logo, use_column_width=True)
# Define the web application title
st.title(':bank: Bank of Canada :maple_leaf: [Open Data]'
'( Explorer :mag:')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
api_client = ValetInterpreter() # API Client for the Bank of Canada's open data
groups = api_client.list_groups() # Retrieve list of available data groups
group_options = groups.label[groups.label != 'delete'] # Filter data groups list
# Enable selection of a specific data group using a selectbox in the sidebar
chosen_group = st.sidebar.selectbox(
label='Pick a group from which to select a time series:',
options=['Click here to select...'] + group_options.tolist(),
if chosen_group == 'Click here to select...':
st.warning('A Bank of Canada data group must be selected to proceed')
# Retrieve metadata and data on the chosen data group
group_details, group_series = api_client.get_group_detail(
groups[groups.label == chosen_group].name.values[0],
# Parse the list of time series available in the selected data group
series_options = group_series.set_index(
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section to select and filter date range of multiple time series in same group
with st.expander(label='Select time series from data group',
chosen_series = st.multiselect(
label=f'Time series within the "{chosen_group}" data group:',
if chosen_series == []:
st.warning('At least one time series must be selected to proceed')
df = load_time_series(chosen_series, group_series, api_client)
st.write('Please note that Streamlit limits date selection to last 10 years')
if st.button('So you can click here to enable manual entry of any date'):
overwrite_start_date = st.sidebar.text_input(
label='Enter start date manually:',
overwrite_end_date = st.sidebar.text_input(
label='Enter end date manually:',
overwrite_start_date, overwrite_end_date = None, None
# Define and parse start_date and end_date variables from date_input widgets
invalid_date_range = False
min_streamlit_date = - pd.DateOffset(years=10)
if overwrite_start_date is None:
start_date = st.sidebar.date_input('Select start date:',
df.index[0] if df.index[0] > min_streamlit_date else min_streamlit_date)
elif overwrite_start_date is not None:
start_date = pd.to_datetime(overwrite_start_date)
if start_date < df.index[0] or start_date > df.index[-1]:
st.sidebar.error('Error: Start date must be within the time series range of '
f'{df.index[0].date()} to {df.index[-1].date()}')
invalid_date_range = True
if overwrite_start_date is None:
end_date = st.sidebar.date_input('Select end date:', df.index[-1])
elif overwrite_end_date is not None:
end_date = pd.to_datetime(overwrite_end_date)
if end_date < df.index[0] or end_date > df.index[-1]:
st.sidebar.error('Error: End date must be within the time series range of '
f'{df.index[0].date()} to {df.index[-1].date()}')
invalid_date_range = True
if invalid_date_range:
st.warning('Valid start and end dates must be chosen to proceed')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable downloading of the filtered selection of time series data as CSV files
if st.sidebar.button('Download Filtered Selection as CSV'):
tmp_download_link = download_link(
f'{chosen_group.replace(" ", "_")}.csv',
'Click here to download the data within the time range you selected!'
st.sidebar.markdown(tmp_download_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Enable downloading of the entire selection of time series data as CSV files
if st.sidebar.button('Download Entire Selection as CSV'):
tmp_download_link = download_link(
f'{chosen_group.replace(" ", "_")}.csv',
'Click here to download the entire series you selected!'
st.sidebar.markdown(tmp_download_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Expander section to display the selected time series data as interactive plot
with st.expander(label='Plot selected time series data'):
# toggle_smoothing = st.checkbox(
# label='Toggle spline smoothing',
# key='toggle_smoothing')
#try: # Spline smoothing option of plots with few observations
fig = px.line(
# fig.update_xaxes(rangeslider_visible=True)
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)