import solara as sol
import solara.lab as solab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
class Plots:
def __init__(self, xlabel, ylabel, axes, sizex, sizey, alpha):
self.xlabel = xlabel
self.ylabel = ylabel
self.axes = axes
self.sizex = sizex
self.sizey = sizey
self.alpha = alpha
def figura(self):
fig, axe = plt.subplots(figsize = (self.sizex, self.sizey))
axe.grid(alpha = self.alpha)
return axe, fig
def sym_calc(L, EI, AE, AF, F, M, D, tipo):
Lon_Tra = L
Ine_You = EI
Apo_Ela = AE
Apo_Fij = AF
Fue_Nod = F
Mom_Nod = M
Fue_Dis = D
Nod_Tot = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.cumsum(Lon_Tra[0:2])))
Nod_Ini = Nod_Tot[0:2]
Nod_Fin = Nod_Tot[1:3]
Apo_Tot = Apo_Ela + Apo_Fij
nvr = ''
for i in range(1,np.shape(np.nonzero(Apo_Tot))[1] + 1):
var = ' r' + str(i)
nvr = nvr + var
Cons_0 = sp.var(nvr)
Rea_Fue = np.array([0, 0 ,0], dtype = object)
Rea_Fue[Apo_Tot > 0] = Cons_0
Fue_Nod = Fue_Nod + Rea_Fue
if sum(Apo_Fij) != 0:
nvr = ''
for i in range(1,np.shape(np.nonzero(Apo_Fij))[1] + 1):
var = ' m' + str(i)
nvr = nvr + var
Cons_1 = sp.var(nvr)
Rea_Mom = np.array([0, 0 ,0], dtype = object)
Rea_Mom[Apo_Fij > 0] = Cons_1
Mom_Nod = Mom_Nod + Rea_Mom
x = sp.var('x'); x1 = sp.var('x1'); x2 = sp.var('x2')
Com_Fue = np.array([0, 0], dtype = object)
Com_Dis = np.array([0, 0], dtype = object)
for i in range(2):
Com_Fue[i] = sum(Fue_Nod[0:i + 1])
Com_Dis[i] = Fue_Dis[i] * (x - Nod_Ini[i])
Fue_Equ = Fue_Dis * (Nod_Fin - Nod_Ini)
Fue_Equ = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.cumsum(Fue_Equ[0:1])))
Ecu_Cor = np.array([0, 0], dtype = object)
for i in range(2):
Ecu_Cor[i] = Com_Fue[i] + Com_Dis[i] + Fue_Equ[i]
x1 = 0
Ecu_Mom = np.array([0, 0], dtype = object)
for i in range(2):
Ecu_1 = sp.integrate(Ecu_Cor[i], x) + x2 + Mom_Nod[i] - x1
Ecu_1 = Ecu_1.subs(x, Nod_Ini[i])
Ecu_2 = sp.integrate(Ecu_Cor[i], x) + np.array(sp.solve(Ecu_1, x2))[0]
Ecu_Mom[i] = Ecu_2
x1 = Ecu_2.subs(x, Nod_Fin[i])
Sis_Fue = sum(Fue_Nod) + sum(Fue_Dis * (Nod_Fin - Nod_Ini))
Sis_Mom = sum(Mom_Nod) + sum(Nod_Fin * Fue_Nod[1:]) + sum((Fue_Dis * (Nod_Fin - Nod_Ini)) * ((Nod_Fin + Nod_Ini) / 2))
Ecu_Pen = np.array([0, 0], dtype = object)
Ecu_Def = np.array([0, 0], dtype = object)
for i in range(2):
Ecu_Pen[i] = sp.integrate(Ecu_Mom[i], x) + sp.var('c' + str(2 * (i + 1) - 1))
Ecu_Def[i] = sp.integrate(Ecu_Pen[i], x) + sp.var('c' + str(2 * (i + 1)))
Sis_Pen = Ecu_Pen[1].subs(x, Nod_Fin[0]) / Ine_You - Ecu_Pen[0].subs(x, Nod_Fin[0]) / Ine_You
Sis_Def = Ecu_Def[1].subs(x, Nod_Fin[0]) / Ine_You - Ecu_Def[0].subs(x, Nod_Fin[0]) / Ine_You
Sis_Nod = np.array([0, 0], dtype = object)
Sis_Nod[0] = Ecu_Def[0].subs(x, Nod_Tot[0])
Sis_Nod[1] = Ecu_Def[1].subs(x, Nod_Tot[2])
if sum(Apo_Fij) != 0:
Sis_Nop = np.zeros((1, np.count_nonzero(Apo_Fij)), dtype = object)[0]
j = -1
for i in range(3):
if Apo_Fij[i] != 0:
j = j + 1
if Apo_Fij[i] == 1:
Sis_Nop[j] = Ecu_Pen[0].subs(x, Nod_Tot[i])
elif Apo_Fij[i] == 3:
Sis_Nop[j] = Ecu_Pen[1].subs(x, Nod_Tot[i])
if len(Sis_Nop) == 1:
Sis_Ecu = (Sis_Fue, Sis_Mom, Sis_Pen, Sis_Def, Sis_Nod[0], Sis_Nod[1], Sis_Nop[0])
Sis_Ecu = (Sis_Fue, Sis_Mom, Sis_Pen, Sis_Def, Sis_Nod[0], Sis_Nod[1], Sis_Nop[0], Sis_Nop[1])
Sis_Ecu = (Sis_Fue, Sis_Mom, Sis_Pen, Sis_Def, Sis_Nod[0], Sis_Nod[1])
rpts = sp.solve(Sis_Ecu)
if tipo == 'Cortantes':
Ecu_Ind = Ecu_Cor / Ine_You * Ine_You
elif tipo == 'Momentos':
Ecu_Ind = Ecu_Mom / Ine_You * Ine_You
elif tipo == 'Pendientes':
Ecu_Ind = Ecu_Pen / Ine_You
Ecu_Ind = Ecu_Def / Ine_You
for i in range(2):
Ecu_Def[i] = Ecu_Def[i].subs(c1, rpts[c1])
Ecu_Def[i] = Ecu_Def[i].subs(c2, rpts[c2])
Ecu_Def[i] = Ecu_Def[i].subs(c3, rpts[c3])
Ecu_Def[i] = Ecu_Def[i].subs(c4, rpts[c4])
Ecu_Def[i] = Ecu_Def[i].subs(r1, rpts[r1])
if sum(Apo_Fij) != 0:
Ecu_Def[i] = Ecu_Def[i].subs(m1, rpts[m1])
Ecu_Def = Ecu_Def / Ine_You
for i in range(2):
Ecu_Pen[i] = sp.diff(Ecu_Def[i], x)
Ecu_Mom[i] = sp.diff(Ecu_Pen[i], x) * Ine_You
Ecu_Cor[i] = sp.diff(Ecu_Mom[i], x)
if tipo == 'Cortantes':
Ecu_Det = Ecu_Cor
elif tipo == 'Momentos':
Ecu_Det = Ecu_Mom
elif tipo == 'Pendientes':
Ecu_Det = Ecu_Pen
Ecu_Det = Ecu_Def
Dom = np.array([np.linspace(Nod_Tot[0], Nod_Tot[1], 50), np.linspace(Nod_Tot[1], Nod_Tot[2], 50)])
Val_Def = np.array([])
Val_Pen = np.array([])
Val_Mom = np.array([])
Val_Cor = np.array([])
for i in range(2):
flamb = sp.lambdify(x, Ecu_Def[i], "numpy")
Val_Def = np.append(Val_Def, flamb(Dom[i]))
flamb = sp.lambdify(x, Ecu_Pen[i], "numpy")
Val_Pen = np.append(Val_Pen, flamb(Dom[i]))
flamb = sp.lambdify(x, Ecu_Mom[i], "numpy")
Val_Mom = np.append(Val_Mom, flamb(Dom[i]))
flamb = sp.lambdify(x, Ecu_Cor[i], "numpy")
Val_Cor = np.append(Val_Cor, flamb(Dom[i]))
Dom = Dom.reshape(100,)
if tipo == 'Cortantes':
if Val_Cor.shape[0] == 2:
Val_Cor = np.array([Val_Cor[0], Val_Cor[0], Val_Cor[1], Val_Cor[1]])
Dom = np.array([0, forcepnt.value, forcepnt.value, longitud.value])
Val_Gra = Val_Cor
elif tipo == 'Momentos':
Val_Gra = Val_Mom
elif tipo == 'Pendientes':
Val_Gra = Val_Pen
Val_Gra = Val_Def
return Ecu_Ind, Ecu_Det, Val_Gra, rpts, Dom, Val_Def
def num_calc(L, E, I, G, tipo):
L = L
E = E
I = I
G = G
Nod_Tot = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.cumsum(L[0:2])))
Nod_Ini = Nod_Tot[0:2]
Nod_Fin = Nod_Tot[1:3]
A = (np.pi / 4) * ((diameext.value / 1000) ** 2 - (diameint.value / 1000) ** 2)
m = np.repeat(diameint.value / diameext.value, 2)
k = (6 * (1 + 0.3) * (1 + m ** 2) ** 2) / ((7 + 6 * 0.3) * (1 + m ** 2) ** 2 + (20 + 12 * 0.3) * m ** 2)
p = (12 * E * I) / (k * A * G * L ** 2)
N_E = np.repeat(elements.value + 1, 2)
L_L = (Nod_Fin - Nod_Ini) / N_E
I_I = np.repeat(I, 2)
P_P = np.repeat(p, 2)
E_E = np.repeat(E, 2)
L1 = [np.zeros((1, N_E[0]))[0], np.zeros((1, N_E[1]))[0]]
I1 = [np.zeros((1, N_E[0]))[0], np.zeros((1, N_E[1]))[0]]
E1 = [np.zeros((1, N_E[0]))[0], np.zeros((1, N_E[1]))[0]]
phi1 = [np.zeros((1, N_E[0]))[0], np.zeros((1, N_E[1]))[0]]
for i in range(2):
L1[i] = np.repeat(L_L[i], N_E[i])
I1[i] = np.repeat(I_I[i], N_E[i])
E1[i] = np.repeat(E_E[i], N_E[i])
phi1[i] = np.repeat(P_P[i], N_E[i])
L1 = np.concatenate((L1[0], L1[1]))
I1 = np.concatenate((I1[0], I1[1]))
E1 = np.concatenate((E1[0], E1[1]))
phi1 = np.concatenate((phi1[0], phi1[1]))
MG = np.zeros((sum(N_E), 2 * (sum(N_E) + 1), 2 * (sum(N_E) + 1)))
ML = np.zeros((sum(N_E), 4, 4))
for i in range(sum(N_E)):
ML[i, :, :] = (E1[i] / L1[i] ** 3) * (I1[i] / (1 + phi1[i])) * np.array([
[12, 6 * L1[i], -12, 6 * L1[i]],
[6 * L1[i], (4 + phi1[i]) * L1[i] ** 2, -6 * L1[i], (2 - phi1[i]) * L1[i] ** 2],
[-12, -6 * L1[i], 12, -6 * L1[i]],
[6 * L1[i], (2 - phi1[i]) * L1[i] ** 2, -6 * L1[i], (4 + phi1[i]) * L1[i] ** 2]])
MG[i, np.array([2 * i, 2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 2, 2 * i + 3])[:,np.newaxis], np.array([2 * i, 2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 2, 2 * i + 3])[np.newaxis,:]] = ML[i, :, :]
MG = np.sum(MG, axis = 0)
FCT = np.arange(0, (3 + 2 * elements.value) * 2)
FCE = np.array([0, (2 + 2 * elements.value) * 2])
if apoyoizq.value == 'Fijo':
FCE = np.concatenate((FCE, np.array([1])))
if apoyoder.value == 'Fijo':
FCE = np.concatenate((FCE, np.array([(2 + 2 * elements.value) * 2 + 1])))
FCS = np.setdiff1d(FCT, FCE)
MRA = MG[FCS[:,np.newaxis], FCS[np.newaxis,:]]
if pesoprop.value == True:
FDN = - (((np.pi / 4) * ((diameext.value / 1000) ** 2 - (diameint.value / 1000) ** 2)) * (longitud.value / 1000) * densidad.value * 9.81) / (3 + 2 * elements.value)
FDN = 0
MFD = np.repeat(FDN, 3 + 2 * elements.value).reshape((3 + 2 * elements.value, 1))
MDF = np.zeros((3 + 2 * elements.value, 1))
MDF[1 + elements.value] = fuerza.value * 1000
MDM = np.zeros((3 + 2 * elements.value, 1))
MDM[1 + elements.value] = momento.value * 1000
MFM = np.hstack((MDF, MDM)).reshape((len(MFD) * 2, 1))
MRX = np.linalg.solve(MRA, MRB)
MPD = np.zeros(((3 + 2 * elements.value) * 2, 1))
FC = np.array([])
MF = np.array([])
for i in range(sum(N_E)):
MLR =[i], MPD[(2 * i):(2 * i + 4)])
FC = np.concatenate((FC, MLR[0], MLR[2]))
MF = np.concatenate((MF, MLR[1], MLR[3]))
RD = MPD[range(0, len(MPD), 2)]
RP = MPD[range(1, len(MPD), 2)]
Num = np.unique(np.concatenate((np.linspace(0, forcepnt.value, elements.value + 2), np.linspace(forcepnt.value, longitud.value, elements.value + 2)))) / 1000
if tipo == 'Cortantes':
Val_Num = FC[range(0, len(FC), 2)]
Val_Num = np.append(Val_Num, -FC[-1])
elif tipo == 'Momentos':
Val_Num = MF[range(0, len(MF), 2)] * -1
Val_Num = np.append(Val_Num, MF[-1])
elif tipo == 'Pendientes':
Val_Num = RP.T[0]
Val_Num = RD.T[0]
Def_Num = RD.T[0]
return MRA, Val_Num, Num, Def_Num
def shaft_calc():
tipo = tipodiag.value
L = np.array([forcepnt.value / 1000, (longitud.value - forcepnt.value) / 1000])
EI = 207e9 * ((np.pi / 64) * ((diameext.value / 1000) ** 4 - (diameint.value / 1000) ** 4))
AE = np.array([0, 0, 0])
AF = np.array([0, 0, 0])
if apoyoizq.value == 'Elastico':
AE[0] = 1
AF[0] = 1
if apoyoder.value == 'Elastico':
AE[2] = 3
AF[2] = 3
F = np.array([0, fuerza.value * 1000, 0])
M = np.array([0, momento.value * 1000, 0])
if pesoprop.value == True:
D = ((np.pi / 4) * ((diameext.value / 1000) ** 2 - (diameint.value / 1000) ** 2)) * densidad.value * 9.81
D = np.array([-D, -D])
D = np.array([0, 0])
Ecu_Ind, Ecu_Det, Val_Gra, rpts, Dom, Val_Def = sym_calc(L, EI, AE, AF, F, M, D, tipo)
E = 207e9
I = ((np.pi / 64) * ((diameext.value / 1000) ** 4 - (diameint.value / 1000) ** 4))
G = 80e9
Mat_Num, Val_Num, Num, Def_Num = num_calc(L, E, I, G, tipo)
Vcr_Ana = round(30 / np.pi * np.sqrt(9.81 * (np.trapz(abs(Val_Def), Dom) / (np.trapz(abs(Val_Def), Dom) ** 2))), 3)
Vcr_Num = round(30 / np.pi * np.sqrt(9.81 * (np.trapz(abs(Def_Num), Num) / (np.trapz(abs(Def_Num), Num) ** 2))), 3)
Por_Err = round(abs((abs(Vcr_Ana) - abs(Vcr_Num)) / Vcr_Num) * 100, 3)
return Ecu_Ind, Ecu_Det, Val_Gra, rpts, Dom, Mat_Num, Val_Num, Num, Vcr_Ana, Vcr_Num, Por_Err
densidad = sol.reactive(7850)
longitud = sol.reactive(1000)
diameext = sol.reactive(50)
diameint = sol.reactive(0)
fuerza = sol.reactive(-1)
momento = sol.reactive(1)
elements = sol.reactive(1)
apoyoizq = sol.reactive('Fijo')
apoyoder = sol.reactive('Fijo')
pesoprop = sol.reactive(True)
forcepnt = sol.reactive(longitud.value / 2)
tipodiag = sol.reactive('Deformaciones')
def Page():
sol.lab.theme.dark = False
sol.lab.theme.themes.light.primary = "#000000"
with sol.AppBar():
sol.Markdown('*Desarrollado por Junior Aguilar*')
with sol.Sidebar():
with sol.Details('Parametros de diseño'):
with sol.Columns([1, 1]):
with sol.Column():
sol.InputFloat(label = 'Longitud [mm]', value = longitud)
sol.InputFloat(label = 'Diametro externo [mm]', value = diameext)
sol.InputFloat(label = 'Fuerza [kN]', value = fuerza)
sol.Select(label = 'Apoyo izquierdo', values = ['Elastico', 'Fijo'], value = apoyoizq)
with sol.Column():
sol.InputFloat(label = 'Densidad [kg/m3]', value = densidad)
sol.InputFloat(label = 'Diametro interno [mm]', value = diameint)
sol.InputFloat(label = 'Momento [kN.m]', value = momento)
sol.Select(label = 'Apoyo derecho', values = ['Elastico', 'Fijo'], value = apoyoder)
sol.Markdown('#', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
with sol.Details('Parametros de resultados'):
sol.Select(label = 'Diagrama de', values = ['Cortantes', 'Momentos', 'Pendientes', 'Deformaciones'], value = tipodiag)
sol.SliderFloat(label = 'Ubicación de las cargas', value = forcepnt, min = 0, max = longitud.value, step = 1)
sol.Checkbox(label = 'Incluir peso propio', value = pesoprop)
sol.InputInt(label = 'Número de elementos', value = elements)
Ecu_Ind, Ecu_Det, Val_Gra, rpts, Dom, Mat_Num, Val_Num, Num, Vcr_Ana, Vcr_Num, Por_Err = shaft_calc()
sol.Markdown('#', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
sol.Markdown(r'$\text{Velocidad critica calculada segun el modelo de}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
with sol.Columns([1, 1]):
with sol.Column():
sol.Markdown(r'$\text{Euler-Bernoulli: }$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
sol.Markdown(r'$\text{Timoshenko: }$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
sol.Markdown(r'$\text{Porcentaje de error: }$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
with sol.Column():
sol.Markdown(f'${Vcr_Ana}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
sol.Markdown(f'${Vcr_Num}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
sol.Markdown(f'${Por_Err}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
with sol.Card(title = 'Esquema del eje de transmisión de potencia', subtitle = 'Ecuaciones analíticas vs Elementos finitos ', elevation = 5):
with sol.Column(align = 'center'):
axe1, fig1 = Plots('', '', 'equal', 12, 4, 0).figura()
axe1.fill([0, longitud.value, longitud.value, 0], [0, 0, diameext.value, diameext.value], color = 'black')
axe1.plot([[0, 0], [longitud.value, longitud.value]], [[diameext.value / 2 - diameint.value / 2, diameext.value / 2 + diameint.value / 2], [diameext.value / 2 - diameint.value / 2, diameext.value / 2 + diameint.value / 2]], '--w')
axe1.plot([forcepnt.value, forcepnt.value], [diameext.value, 3 * diameext.value], linewidth = diameext.value / 7.5, color = 'black')
if fuerza.value < 0:
axe1.scatter([forcepnt.value], [diameext.value], 5 * diameext.value, marker = 'v', color = 'black')
axe1.scatter([forcepnt.value], [3 * diameext.value], 5 * diameext.value, marker = '^', color = 'black')
if apoyoizq.value == 'Elastico':
axe1.scatter([0], [0], 10 * diameext.value, marker = '^', color = 'black')
axe1.scatter([0], [0], 10 * diameext.value, marker = 's', color = 'black')
if apoyoder.value == 'Elastico':
axe1.scatter([longitud.value], [0], 10 * diameext.value, marker = '^', color = 'black')
axe1.scatter([longitud.value], [0], 10 * diameext.value, marker = 's', color = 'black')
axe1.set_xlim([-0.05 * longitud.value, 1.05 * longitud.value])
with sol.Row():
with sol.Column(align = 'stretch'):
with sol.Card(title = 'Gráfica Analítica', subtitle = 'Ecuaciones analíticas', elevation = 5):
axe2, fig2 = Plots('Dominio', tipodiag.value, 'auto', 10, 5, 1).figura()
axe2.fill_between(Dom, Val_Gra, color = 'black', alpha = 1)
with sol.Column(align = 'stretch'):
with sol.Card(title = 'Gráfica Numérica', subtitle = 'Elementos finitos', elevation = 5):
axe3, fig3 = Plots('Dominio', tipodiag.value, 'auto', 10, 5, 1).figura()
axe3.fill_between(Num, Val_Num, color = 'black', alpha = 1)
with sol.Card(title = '', subtitle = '', elevation = 5):
with solab.Tabs(align = 'center'):
with solab.Tab("Modelo de Euler Bernoulli - Ecuaciones analíticas"):
with sol.Row():
with sol.Column(align = 'stretch'):
sol.Markdown(r'$\text{Ecuaciones indeterminadas iniciales:}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
for i in Ecu_Ind:
equ = sp.printing.latex(sp.N(i, 3))
sol.Markdown(f'${equ}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
sol.Markdown(r'$\text{Incognitas calculadas:}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
with sol.Row():
for i in rpts:
equ1 = sp.printing.latex(i)
equ2 = sp.printing.latex(sp.N(rpts[i], 3))
sol.Markdown(f'${equ1} \Rightarrow {equ2}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
sol.Markdown(r'$\text{Ecuaciones determinadas finales:}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
for i in Ecu_Det:
equ = sp.printing.latex(sp.N(i, 3))
sol.Markdown(f'${equ}$', unsafe_solara_execute = True)
with solab.Tab("Modelo de Timoshenko - Elementos finitos"):
sol.DataFrame(pd.DataFrame(Mat_Num).round(1), items_per_page = 14, scrollable = True)