import solara
show_second = solara.reactive(False)
def Page():
if show_second.value:
with solara.Details("Originally hidden", expand=False):
solara.Text("content for originally hidden")
with solara.Details("Originally visible", expand=False):
solara.Text("content for originally visible")
solara.Button(label="toggle 'originally hidden'", on_click=lambda: show_second.set(not show_second.value))
solara.Text("manually open the 'originally visible' details component, then click button to toggle the entry a.")
solara.Text("expectation: 'originally hidden' should not be expanded, 'originally visible' should")
solara.Text("if state is needed to control expand, then I would instead expect all to revert to the passed expand=False")
solara.Text("actual behavior: 'originally hidden' expands, but the manually opened 'originally visible' collapses")