import solara
class DropdownState:
def __init__(self, label, choices):
self._label = label
self._choices = solara.reactive(choices)
self._selected = solara.reactive(choices[0])
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self._label} selected='{self.selected}' choices={self.choices}>"
def choices(self):
return self._choices.value
def selected(self):
return self._selected.value
def selected(self, value):
choices = self.choices
if value not in choices:
raise ValueError(f"selected must be on of {choices}")
self._selected.value = value
def DropdownUI(state):
solara.Select(state._label, values=state._choices.value, value=state._selected)
class AppState:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._dropdown = DropdownState("test-dropdown", ['choice1', 'choice2', 'choice3'])
def dropdown(self):
return self._dropdown
def __repr__(self):
return "<AppState>"
def App(state):
state = AppState()
page = App(state=state)
state.dropdown.selected = 'choice3'