"""# Todo application
Demonstrates the use of reactive variables in combinations with dataclasses.
With solara we can get a type safe view onto a field in a dataclass, pydantic model, or
attr object.
This is using the experimental `solara.lab.Ref` class, which is not yet part of the
official API.
import dataclasses
import solara
from solara.lab import Ref
class TodoItem:
text: str
done: bool
todo_item = solara.reactive(TodoItem("Buy milk", False))
# now text is a reactive variable that is always in sync with todo_item.text
text = Ref(todo_item.fields.text)
# we can now modify the reactive text variable
# and see its value reflect in the todo_item
text.value = "Buy skimmed milk"
assert todo_item.value.text == "Buy skimmed milk"
# Or, the other way around
todo_item.value = TodoItem("Buy whole milk", False)
assert text.value == "Buy whole milk"
Apart from dataclasses, pydantic models etc, we also supports dictionaries and lists.
todo_items = solara.reactive([TodoItem("Buy milk", False), TodoItem("Buy eggs", False)])
todo_item_eggs = Ref(todo_items.fields[1])
todo_item_eggs.value = TodoItem("Buy eggs", True)
assert todo_items.value[1].done == True
# However, if a list becomes shorter, and the valid index is now out of range, the
# reactive variables will act as if it is "not connected", and will not trigger
# updates anymore. Accessing the value will raise an IndexError.
todo_items.value = [TodoItem("Buy milk", False)]
# anyone listening to todo_item_eggs will *not* be notified.
value = todo_item_eggs.value
except IndexError:
print("this is expected")
raise AssertionError("Expected an IndexError")
from typing import Callable
import reacton.ipyvuetify as v
import solara
from solara.lab.toestand import Ref
class TodoItem:
def __init__(self, text='', done=False):
self.text = solara.reactive(text)
self.done = solara.reactive(done)
def TodoEdit(todo_item: solara.Reactive[TodoItem], on_delete: Callable[[], None], on_close: Callable[[], None]):
"""Takes a reactive todo item and allows editing it. Will not modify the original item until 'save' is clicked."""
copy = TodoItem(todo_item.text, todo_item.done)
def save():
todo_item.text = copy.text
with solara.Card("Edit", margin=0):
solara.InputText(label="", value=copy.text)
with solara.CardActions():
solara.Button("Save", icon_name="mdi-content-save", on_click=save, outlined=True, text=True)
solara.Button("Close", icon_name="mdi-window-close", on_click=on_close, outlined=True, text=True)
solara.Button("Delete", icon_name="mdi-delete", on_click=on_delete, outlined=True, text=True)
def TodoListItem(todo_item: solara.Reactive[TodoItem], on_delete: Callable[[TodoItem], None]):
"""Displays a single todo item, modifications are done 'in place'.
For demonstration purposes, we allow editing the item in a dialog as well.
This will not modify the original item until 'save' is clicked.
edit, set_edit = solara.use_state(False)
with v.ListItem():
solara.Button(icon_name="mdi-delete", icon=True, on_click=lambda: on_delete(todo_item))
solara.Checkbox(value=todo_item.done) # , color="success")
solara.InputText(label="", value=todo_item.text)
solara.Button(icon_name="mdi-pencil", icon=True, on_click=lambda: set_edit(True))
with v.Dialog(v_model=edit, persistent=True, max_width="500px", on_v_model=set_edit):
if edit: # 'reset' the component state on open/close
def on_delete_in_edit():
TodoEdit(todo_item, on_delete=on_delete_in_edit, on_close=lambda: set_edit(False))
def TodoNew(on_new: Callable[[TodoItem], None]):
"""Component that managed entering new todo items"""
new_text, set_new_text = solara.use_state("")
text_field = v.TextField(v_model=new_text, on_v_model=set_new_text, label="Enter a new todo item")
def create_new_item(*ignore_args):
if not new_text:
new_item = TodoItem(text=new_text, done=False)
# reset text
v.use_event(text_field, "keydown.enter", create_new_item)
return text_field
initial_items = [
TodoItem("Learn Solara", done=True),
TodoItem("Write cool apps", done=False),
TodoItem("Relax", done=False),
# We store out reactive state, and our logic in a class for organization
# purposes, but this is not required.
# Note that all the above components do not refer to this class, but only
# to do the Todo items.
# This means all above components are reusable, and can be used in other
# places, while the components below use 'application'/'global' state.
# They are not suited for reuse.
class State:
def __init__(self, initial_items):
self.todos = solara.reactive(initial_items)
def on_new(self, item: TodoItem):
self.todos.value = [item] + self.todos.value
def on_delete(self, item: TodoItem):
new_items = list(self.todos.value)
self.todos.value = new_items
def TodoStatus(items):
"""Status of our todo list"""
count = len(items)
items_done = [item for item in items if item.done.value]
count_done = len(items_done)
if count != count_done:
with solara.Row():
percent = count_done / count * 100
with solara.Row():
solara.Text(f"Remaining: {count - count_done}")
solara.Text(f"Completed: {count_done}")
solara.Success("All done, awesome!", dense=True)
state = State(initial_items)
def Page():
with solara.Card("Todo list", style="min-width: 500px"):
if state.todos.value:
for item in state.todos.value:
TodoListItem(item, on_delete=state.on_delete)
solara.Info("No todo items, enter some text above, and hit enter")