MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Wen Jiang
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
def import_with_auto_install(packages, scope=locals()):
if isinstance(packages, str): packages=[packages]
for package in packages:
if package.find(":")!=-1:
package_import_name, package_pip_name = package.split(":")
package_import_name, package_pip_name = package, package
scope[package_import_name] = __import__(package_import_name)
except ImportError:
import subprocess
subprocess.call(f'pip install {package_pip_name}', shell=True)
scope[package_import_name] = __import__(package_import_name)
required_packages = "streamlit numpy scipy bokeh trackpy kneebow".split()
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
np.bool8 = bool # fix for bokeh 2.4.3
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
import math, random
import gc
#from memory_profiler import profile
def main():
title = "HI3D: Helical indexing using the cylindrical projection of a 3D map"
st.set_page_config(page_title=title, layout="wide")
hosted, host = is_hosted(return_host=True)
if hosted and host in ['heroku']:
st.error(f"This app hosted on Heroku will be unavailable starting November 28, 2022 [when Heroku discontinues free hosting service](https://blog.heroku.com/next-chapter). Please switch to [the same app hosted elsewhere](https://helical-indexing-hi3d.streamlit.app)")
if "input_mode" not in st.session_state: # only run once at the start of the session
if is_hosted():
max_map_size = mem_quota()/2 # MB
max_map_dim = int(pow(max_map_size*pow(2, 20)/4, 1./3.)//10*10) # pixels in any dimension
stop_map_size = mem_quota()*0.75 # MB
max_map_size = -1 # no limit
max_map_dim = -1
if max_map_size>0:
warning_map_size = f"Due to the resource limit ({mem_quota():.1f} MB memory cap) of the hosting service, the maximal map size should be {max_map_size:.1f} MB ({max_map_dim}x{max_map_dim}x{max_map_dim} voxels) or less to avoid crashing the server process"
msg_hint = f"There are a few things you can try: \n"
msg_hint+= f"· Ensure the map is vertical along Z-axis and centered in XY plane \n"
msg_hint+= f"· Change \"Axial step size\" to a larger value (1 → 2 or 3 Å) for large rise structures or a smaller value (1 → 0.2 Å) for small rise structures (for example, amyloids) \n"
msg_hint+= f"· Change \"Peak width\" and \"Peak height\" to approximate the size/shape of the peaks in the autocorrelation image \n"
msg_hint+= f"· Manually inspect the autocorrelation image at the center of the screen, use mouse hover tips to reveal the corresponding twist/rise values at the pixel under the mouse pointer \n"
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns((1.0, 3.2, 0.6, 1.15))
msg_empty = col2.empty()
with col1:
with st.expander(label="README", expanded=False):
st.write("This Web app considers a biological helical structure as a 2D crystal that has been rolled up into a cylindrical tube while preserving the original lattice. The indexing process is thus to computationally reverse this process: the 3D helical structure is first unrolled into a 2D image using cylindrical projection, and then the 2D lattice parameters are automatically identified from which the helical parameters (twist, rise, and cyclic symmetry) are derived. The auto-correlation function (ACF) of the cylindrical projection is used to produce a lattice with sharper peaks. Two distinct lattice identification methods, one for generical 2D lattices and one specifically for helical lattices, are used to find a consistent solution. \n \nTips: play with the rmin/rmax, #peaks, axial step size parameters if consistent helical parameters cannot be obtained with the default parameters. Use a larger axial step size (for example 2Å) for a structure with large rise. Use a smaller axial step size (for example 0.2Å) for a structure (such Tau fibril) with small rise.")
data = None
da_auto = 1.0
dz_auto = 1.0
input_modes = {0:"upload", 1:"url", 2:"emd-xxxxx"}
help = "Only maps in MRC (.mrc) or CCP4 (.map) format are supported. Compressed maps (.gz) will be automatically decompressed"
if max_map_size>0: help += f". {warning_map_size}"
input_mode = st.radio(label="How to obtain the input map:", options=list(input_modes.keys()), format_func=lambda i:input_modes[i], index=2, horizontal=True, help=help, key="input_mode")
is_emd = False
emdb_ids_all, emdb_ids_helical, methods = get_emdb_ids()
if input_mode == 0: # "upload a MRC file":
label = "Upload a map in MRC or CCP4 format"
help = None
if max_map_size>0: help = warning_map_size
fileobj = st.file_uploader(label, type=['mrc', 'map', 'map.gz'], help=help, key="file_upload")
if fileobj is not None:
emd_id = extract_emd_id(fileobj.name)
is_emd = emd_id is not None and emd_id in emdb_ids_helical
data, map_crs, apix = get_3d_map_from_uploaded_file(fileobj)
nz, ny, nx = data.shape
if nz<32:
st.warning(f"The uploaded file {fileobj.name} ({nx}x{ny}x{nz}) is not a 3D map")
data = None
elif input_mode == 1: # "url":
url_default = get_emdb_map_url("emd-10499")
help = "An online url (http:// or ftp://) or a local file path (/path/to/your/structure.mrc)"
if max_map_size>0: help += f". {warning_map_size}"
url = st.text_input(label="Input the url of a 3D map:", value=url_default, help=help, key="url")
emd_id = extract_emd_id(url)
is_emd = emd_id is not None and emd_id in emdb_ids_helical
data, map_crs, apix = get_3d_map_from_url(url.strip())
nz, ny, nx = data.shape
if nz<32:
st.warning(f"{url} points to a file ({nx}x{ny}x{nz}) that is not a 3D map")
data = None
elif input_mode == 2:
if not emdb_ids_all:
st.warning("failed to obtained a list of helical structures in EMDB")
url = "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/emdb/search/*%20AND%20structure_determination_method:%22helical%22?rows=10&sort=release_date%20desc"
st.markdown(f'[All {len(emdb_ids_helical)} helical structures in EMDB]({url})')
emd_id_default = "emd-10499"
help = "Randomly select another helical structure in EMDB"
if max_map_size>0: help += f". {warning_map_size}"
button_clicked = st.button(label="Change EMDB ID", help=help)
if button_clicked:
import random
st.session_state.emd_id = 'emd-' + random.choice(emdb_ids_helical)
help = None
if max_map_size>0: help = warning_map_size
label = "Input an EMDB ID (emd-xxxxx):"
emd_id = st.text_input(label=label, value=emd_id_default, key='emd_id', help=help)
emd_id = emd_id.lower().split("emd-")[-1]
if emd_id not in emdb_ids_all:
import random
msg = f"EMD-{emd_id} is not a valid EMDB entry. Please input a valid id (for example, a randomly selected valid id 'emd-{random.choice(emdb_ids_helical)}')"
elif emd_id not in emdb_ids_helical:
msg= f"EMD-{emd_id} is in EMDB but annotated as a '{methods[emdb_ids_all.index(emd_id)]}' structure, not a helical structure"
params = get_emdb_parameters(emd_id)
if params is None:
msg = f"EMD-{emd_id}: could not retrieve information"
resolution = params['resolution']
msg = f'[EMD-{emd_id}](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/emdb/entry/EMD-{emd_id}) | resolution={resolution}Å'
if max_map_size>0 and params and "nz" in params and "ny" in params and "nx" in params:
nz = params["nz"]
ny = params["ny"]
nx = params["nx"]
map_size = nz*ny*nx*4 / pow(2, 20)
if map_size>stop_map_size:
msg_map_too_large = f"As the map size ({map_size:.1f} MB, {nx}x{ny}x{nz} voxels) is too large for the resource limit ({mem_quota():.1f} MB memory cap) of the hosting service, HI3D will stop analyzing it to avoid crashing the server. Please bin/crop your map so that it is {max_map_size} MB ({max_map_dim}x{max_map_dim}x{max_map_dim} voxels) or less, and then try again. Please check the [HI3D web site](https://jiang.bio.purdue.edu/hi3d) to learn how to run HI3D on your local computer with larger memory to support large maps"
if params and is_amyloid(params, cutoff=6):
dz_auto = 0.2
if params and "twist" in params and "rise" in params:
msg += f" \ntwist={params['twist']}° | rise={params['rise']}Å"
if "csym" in params: msg += f" | c{params['csym']}"
msg += " \n*helical params not available*"
data, map_crs, apix = get_emdb_map(emd_id)
if data is None:
st.warning(f"Failed to download [EMD-{emd_id}](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/emdb/entry/EMD-{emd_id})")
is_emd = emd_id in emdb_ids_helical
if data is None:
if map_crs != [1, 2, 3]:
map_crs_to_xyz = {1:'x', 2:'y', 3:'z'}
xyz = ','.join([map_crs_to_xyz[int(i)] for i in map_crs])
label = f":red[Change map axes order from {xyz} to:]"
st.text_input(label=label, value="x,y,z", max_chars=5, help=f"Cryo-EM field assumes that the map axes are in the order of x,y,z (e.g. MRC/CCP4 header fields mapc=1, mapr=2, maps=3). However, you map header has a different order {xyz} (mapc={map_crs[0]}, mapr={map_crs[1]}, maps={map_crs[2]})", key="target_map_axes_order")
target_map_axes_order = st.session_state.target_map_axes_order.lower().split(",")
assert len(target_map_axes_order) == 3
xyz_to_map_crs = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}
target_map_crs = [xyz_to_map_crs[a] for a in target_map_axes_order]
st.warning(f"Incorrect value {st.session_state.target_map_axes_order}. I will use the default value x,y,z")
target_map_crs = [1, 2, 3]
data = change_mrc_map_crs_order(data=data, current_order=map_crs, target_order=target_map_crs)
nz, ny, nx = data.shape
st.markdown(f'{nx}x{ny}x{nz} voxels | {round(apix,4):g} Å/voxel')
if max_map_size>0:
map_size = nz*ny*nx*4 / pow(2, 20)
if map_size>stop_map_size:
msg_map_too_large = f"As the map size ({map_size:.1f} MB, {nx}x{ny}x{nz} voxels) is too large for the resource limit ({mem_quota():.1f} MB memory cap) of the hosting service, HI3D will stop analyzing it to avoid crashing the server. Please bin/crop your map so that it is {max_map_size} MB ({max_map_dim}x{max_map_dim}x{max_map_dim} voxels) or less, and then try again. Please check the [HI3D web site](https://jiang.bio.purdue.edu/hi3d) to learn how to run HI3D on your local computer with larger memory to support large maps"
elif map_size>max_map_size:
reduce_map_size = st.checkbox(f"Reduce map size to < {max_map_size} MB", value=True, key="reduce_map_size")
if reduce_map_size:
data_small, bin = minimal_grids(data, max_map_dim)
del data
data = data_small * 1.0
del data_small
apix *= bin
nz, ny, nx = data.shape
st.markdown(f'{nx}x{ny}x{nz} voxels | {round(apix,4):g} Å/voxel')
msg = f"{warning_map_size}. If this map ({map_size:.1f}>{max_map_size } MB) indeed crashes the server process, please reduce the map size by binning the map or cropping the empty padding space around the structure, and then try again. If the crashing persists, please check the [HI3D web site](https://jiang.bio.purdue.edu/hi3d) to learn how to run HI3D on your local computer with larger memory to support large maps"
vmin, vmax = data.min(), data.max()
if vmin == vmax:
st.warning(f"The map is blank: min={vmin} max={vmax}. Please provide a meaningful 3D map")
axis_mapping = {3:'X/Y', 2:'X', 1:'Y', 0:'Z'}
section_axis = st.radio(label="Display a section along this axis:", options=list(axis_mapping.keys()), format_func=lambda i:axis_mapping[i], index=0, horizontal=True, key="section_axis")
mapping = {0:nz, 1:ny, 2:nx, 3:min(nx,ny)}
n = mapping[section_axis]
section_index = st.slider(label="Choose a section to display:", min_value=-n//2, max_value=n-n//2-1, value=0, step=1)
section_index += n//2
container_image = st.container()
expanded = False if is_emd else True
with st.expander(label="Transform the map", expanded=expanded):
do_threshold = st.checkbox("Threshold the map", value=False, key="do_threshold")
if do_threshold:
data_min, data_max = float(data.min()), float(data.max())
background = np.mean(data[[0,1,2,-3,-2,-1],[0,1,2,-3,-2,-1]])
thresh_auto = (data_max-background) * 0.2 + background
thresh = st.number_input(label="Minimal voxel value:", min_value=data_min, max_value=data_max, value=float(round(thresh_auto,6)), step=float((data_max-data_min)/1000.), format="%g", key="thresh")
thresh = None
if thresh is not None:
data = data * 1.0
data[data<thresh] = 0
do_transform = st.checkbox("Center & verticalize", value= not (is_emd or is_hosted()), key="do_transform")
if do_transform:
with st.form("do_transform_form"):
rotx_auto, shifty_auto = auto_vertical_center(np.sum(data, axis=2))
roty_auto, shiftx_auto = auto_vertical_center(np.sum(data, axis=1))
if "rotx" in st.session_state: rotx_auto = st.session_state.rotx
if "roty" in st.session_state: roty_auto = st.session_state.roty
if "shiftx" in st.session_state: shiftx_auto = st.session_state.shiftx/apix # unit: pixel
if "shifty" in st.session_state: shifty_auto = st.session_state.shifty/apix # unit: pixel
rotx = st.number_input(label="Rotate map around X-axis (°):", min_value=-90., max_value=90., value=round(rotx_auto,2), step=1.0, format="%g", key="rotx")
roty = st.number_input(label="Rotate map around Y-axis (°):", min_value=-90., max_value=90., value=round(roty_auto,2), step=1.0, format="%g", key="roty")
shiftx = st.number_input(label="Shift map along X-axis (Å):", min_value=-nx//2*apix, max_value=nx//2*apix, value=round(min(max(-nx//2*apix, shiftx_auto*apix), nx//2*apix), 2), step=1.0, format="%g", key="shiftx") # unit: Å
shifty = st.number_input(label="Shift map along Y-axis (Å):", min_value=-ny//2*apix, max_value=ny//2*apix, value=round(min(max(-ny//2*apix, shifty_auto*apix), ny//2*apix), 2), step=1.0, format="%g", key="shifty") # unit: Å
shiftz = st.number_input(label="Shift map along Z-axis (Å):", min_value=-nz//2*apix, max_value=nz//2*apix, value=0.0, step=1.0, format="%g", key="shiftz")
rotx, roty, shiftx, shifty, shiftz = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.
if section_axis == 3:
image = np.zeros((nz, max(ny, nx)), dtype=data.dtype)
image_x = np.squeeze(np.take(data, indices=[section_index], axis=2))
image_y = np.squeeze(np.take(data, indices=[section_index], axis=1))
image[:, :ny//2] = image_x[:, :ny//2]
image[:, -nx//2:] = image_y[:, nx//2:]
image[:, ny//2-1] = np.max(image)
image = np.squeeze(np.take(data, indices=[section_index], axis=section_axis))
h, w = image.shape
if thresh is not None or rotx or roty or shiftx or shifty or shiftz:
data = transform_map(data, shift_x=shiftx/apix, shift_y=-shifty/apix, shift_z=-shiftz/apix, angle_x=-rotx, angle_y=-roty)
if section_axis == 3:
image2 = np.squeeze(np.take(data, indices=[section_index], axis=2))
image2_y = np.squeeze(np.take(data, indices=[section_index], axis=1))
image2[:, ny//2:]= image2_y[:, nx//2:]
image2[:, ny//2-1] = 0
image2 = np.squeeze(np.take(data, indices=[section_index], axis=section_axis))
with container_image:
tooltips = [("x", "$x"), ('y', '$y'), ('val', '@image')]
fig1 = generate_bokeh_figure(image, apix, apix, title=f"Original", title_location="below", plot_width=None, plot_height=None, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, tooltips=tooltips, show_angle_tooltip=True, show_axis=False, show_toolbar=False, crosshair_color="white", aspect_ratio=w/h)
fig2 = generate_bokeh_figure(image2, apix, apix, title=f"Transformed", title_location="below", plot_width=None, plot_height=None, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, tooltips=tooltips, show_angle_tooltip=True, show_axis=False, show_toolbar=False, crosshair_color="white", aspect_ratio=w/h)
from bokeh.plotting import figure
x = (np.arange(0, w)-w//2) * apix
ymax = np.max(image2, axis=0)
ymean = np.mean(image2, axis=0)
fig4 = figure(x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, x_range=fig2.x_range, aspect_ratio=3)
fig4.line(x, ymax, line_width=2, color='red', legend_label="max")
fig4.line(-x, ymax, line_width=2, color='red', line_dash="dashed", legend_label="max flipped")
fig4.line(x, ymean, line_width=2, color='blue', legend_label="mean")
fig4.line(-x, ymean, line_width=2, color='blue', line_dash="dashed", legend_label="mean flipped")
fig4.xaxis.visible = False
fig4.yaxis.visible = False
fig4.toolbar_location = None
ymax = np.max(image, axis=0)
ymean = np.mean(image, axis=0)
fig3 = figure(x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, x_range=fig1.x_range, aspect_ratio=3)
fig3.line(x, ymax, line_width=2, color='red', legend_label="max")
fig3.line(-x, ymax, line_width=2, color='red', line_dash="dashed", legend_label="max flipped")
fig3.line(x, ymean, line_width=2, color='blue', legend_label="mean")
fig3.line(-x, ymean, line_width=2, color='blue', line_dash="dashed", legend_label="mean flipped")
fig3.xaxis.visible = False
fig3.yaxis.visible = False
fig3.toolbar_location = None
# create a linked crosshair tool among the figures
from bokeh.models import CrosshairTool
crosshair = CrosshairTool(dimensions="both")
crosshair.line_color = 'red'
crosshair = CrosshairTool(dimensions="height")
crosshair.line_color = 'red'
from bokeh.layouts import column
fig_image = column([fig3, fig1, fig2, fig4], sizing_mode='scale_width')
st.bokeh_chart(fig_image, use_container_width=True)
del fig_image, image, image2
with container_image:
tooltips = [("x", "$x"), ('y', '$y'), ('val', '@image')]
fig_image = generate_bokeh_figure(image, 1, 1, title=f"Original", title_location="below", plot_width=None, plot_height=None, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, tooltips=tooltips, show_axis=False, show_toolbar=False, crosshair_color="white", aspect_ratio=w/h)
st.bokeh_chart(fig_image, use_container_width=True)
del fig_image, image
rad_plot = st.empty()
with st.expander(label="Select radial range", expanded=False):
radprofile = compute_radial_profile(data)
rad = np.arange(len(radprofile)) * apix
rmin_auto, rmax_auto = estimate_radial_range(radprofile, thresh_ratio=0.1)
rmin = st.number_input('Minimal radius (Å)', value=round(rmin_auto*apix,1), min_value=0.0, max_value=round(nx//2*apix,1), step=1.0, format="%g", key="rmin")
rmax = st.number_input('Maximal radius (Å)', value=round(rmax_auto*apix,1), min_value=0.0, max_value=round(nx//2*apix,1), step=1.0, format="%g", key="rmax")
if rmax<=rmin:
st.warning(f"rmax(={rmax}) should be larger than rmin(={rmin})")
with st.expander(label="Download data", expanded=False):
import pandas as pd
label="Radial profile",
data=pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((rad.reshape(len(rad), 1), radprofile.reshape(len(rad), 1))), columns=["radius (Å)", "density"]).round(6).to_csv().encode('utf-8'),
from bokeh.plotting import figure
tools = 'box_zoom,crosshair,hover,pan,reset,save,wheel_zoom'
tooltips = [("r", "@x{0.0}Å"), ("val", "@y{0.0}"),]
fig_radprofile = figure(title="density radial profile", x_axis_label="r (Å)", y_axis_label="pixel value", tools=tools, tooltips=tooltips, aspect_ratio=2)
fig_radprofile.line(rad, radprofile, line_width=2, color='red')
del rad, radprofile
from bokeh.models import Span
rmin_span = Span(location=rmin, dimension='height', line_color='green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3)
rmax_span = Span(location=rmax, dimension='height', line_color='green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=3)
fig_radprofile.yaxis.visible = False
with rad_plot:
st.bokeh_chart(fig_radprofile, use_container_width=True)
del fig_radprofile
with st.expander(label="Server info", expanded=False):
server_info_empty = st.empty()
#server_info = f"Host: {get_hostname()} \n"
#server_info+= f"Account: {get_username()}"
server_info = f"Uptime: {up_time():.1f} s \n"
server_info+= f"Mem (total): {mem_info()[0]:.1f} MB \n"
server_info+= f"Mem (quota): {mem_quota():.1f} MB \n"
server_info+= "Mem (used): {mem_used:.1f} MB"
share_url = st.checkbox('Show sharable URL', value=False, help="Include relevant parameters in the browser URL to allow you to share the URL and reproduce the plots", key="share_url")
if share_url:
show_qr = st.checkbox('Show QR code of the URL', value=False, help="Display the QR code of the sharable URL", key="show_qr")
show_qr = False
hide_streamlit_style = """
#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;}
footer {visibility: hidden;}
st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)
with col3:
da = st.number_input('Angular step size (°)', value=da_auto, min_value=0.1, max_value=10., step=0.1, format="%g", help="Set the azimuthal angle step size for the computation of the cylindric projection", key="da")
dz = st.number_input('Axial step size (Å)', value=dz_auto, min_value=0.1, max_value=10., step=0.1, format="%g", help="Set the axial step size for the computation of the cylindric projection. Use a smaller step size (such as 0.2 Å) for a helical structure with small rise (such as a protein fibril with rise ~2.3-2.4 Å or ~4.7-4.8 Å)", key="dz")
peak_width = st.number_input('Peak width (°)', value=max(1.0, da*9.0), min_value=0.1, max_value=60.0, step=1.0, format="%g", help="Set the expected peak width (°) in the auto-correlation image", key="peak_width")
peak_height = st.number_input('Peak height (Å)', value=max(1.0, dz*9.0), min_value=0.1, max_value=30.0, step=1.0, format="%g", help="Set the expected peak height (Å) in the auto-correlation image", key="peak_height")
npeaks_empty = st.empty()
acf_2rounds = st.checkbox(label="ACF 2x", value=False, help="Compute ACF of ACF", key="acf_2rounds")
show_scf = st.checkbox(label="SCF", value=False, help="Use the self-correlation function (SCF) variant of ACF (e.g. |F|->sqrt(|F|)", key="show_scf")
#data = auto_masking(data)
#data = minimal_grids(data)
cylproj = cylindrical_projection(data, da=da, dz=dz/apix, dr=1, rmin=rmin/apix, rmax=rmax/apix, interpolation_order=1)
del data
cylproj_work = cylproj
draw_cylproj_box = False
show_cylproj = st.checkbox(label="Cylindrical projection", value=True, help="Display the cylindric projection", key="show_cylproj")
if show_cylproj:
nz, na = cylproj.shape
ang_min = st.number_input('Minimal angle (°)', value=-180., min_value=-180.0, max_value=180., step=1.0, format="%g", help="Set the minimal azimuthal angle of the cylindric projection to be included to compute the auto-correlation function", key="ang_min")
ang_max = st.number_input('Maximal angle (°)', value=180., min_value=-180.0, max_value=180., step=1.0, format="%g", help="Set the maximal azimuthal angle of the cylindric projection to be included to compute the auto-correlation function. If this angle is smaller than *Minimal angle*, the angular range will be *Minimal angle* to 360 and -360 to *Maximal angle*", key="ang_max")
z_min = st.number_input('Minimal z (Å)', value=round(-nz//2*dz,1), min_value=round(-nz//2*dz,1), max_value=round(nz//2*dz,1), step=1.0, format="%g", help="Set the minimal axial section of the cylindric projection to be included to compute the auto-correlation function", key="z_min")
z_max = st.number_input('Maximal z (Å)', value=round(nz//2*dz,1), min_value=round(-nz//2*dz,1), max_value=round(nz//2*dz,1), step=1.0, format="%g", help="Set the maximal axial section of the cylindric projection to be included to compute the auto-correlation function", key="z_max")
if z_max<=z_min:
st.warning(f"'Maximal z'(={z_max}) should be larger than 'Minimal z'(={z_min})")
if not (ang_min==-180 and ang_max==180 and z_min==-nz//2*dz and z_max==nz//2*dz):
draw_cylproj_box = True
cylproj_work = cylproj * 1.0
if ang_min<ang_max:
if ang_min>-180.:
a0 = round(ang_min/da) + na//2
cylproj_work[:, 0:a0] = 0
if ang_max<180.:
a1 = round(ang_max/da)+ na//2
cylproj_work[:, a1:] = 0
else: # wrap around
if ang_min<180:
a0 = round(ang_min/da) + na//2
cylproj_work[:, a0:] = 0
if ang_max>-180:
a1 = round(ang_max/da)+ na//2
cylproj_work[:, 0:a1] = 0
if z_min>-nz//2*dz:
z0 = round(z_min/dz)+ nz//2
cylproj_work[0:z0, :] = 0
if z_max<nz//2*dz:
z1 = round(z_max/dz)+ nz//2
cylproj_work[z1:, :] = 0
cylproj_square = make_square_shape(cylproj_work)
del cylproj_work
show_acf = st.checkbox(label="ACF", value=True, help="Display the auto-correlation function (ACF)", key="show_acf")
if show_acf:
show_peaks_empty = st.empty()
acf = auto_correlation(cylproj_square, sqrt=show_scf, high_pass_fraction=1./cylproj_square.shape[0])
if acf_2rounds:
acf = auto_correlation(acf, sqrt=show_scf, high_pass_fraction=1./cylproj_square.shape[0])
del cylproj_square
peaks, masses = find_peaks(acf, da=da, dz=dz, peak_width=peak_width, peak_height=peak_height, minmass=1.0)
if peaks is not None:
npeaks_all = len(peaks)
from kneebow.rotor import Rotor
rotor = Rotor()
rotor.fit_rotate( np.vstack((np.arange(len(masses)-3), masses.iloc[3:])).T )
npeaks_guess = min(npeaks_all, rotor.get_elbow_index()+3)
npeaks_guess = npeaks_all
npeaks = int(npeaks_empty.number_input('# peaks to use', value=npeaks_guess, min_value=3, max_value=npeaks_all, step=2, help=f"The {npeaks_all} peaks detected in the auto-correlation function are sorted by peak quality. This input allows you to use only the best peaks instead of all {npeaks_all} peaks to determine the lattice parameters (i.e. helical twist, rise, and csym)", key="npeaks"))
show_arrow_empty = st.empty()
show_lattice_empty = st.empty()
with col4:
if show_cylproj:
h, w = cylproj.shape
tooltips = [("angle", "$x°"), ('z', '$yÅ'), ('cylproj', '@image')]
fig_cylproj = generate_bokeh_figure(cylproj, da, dz, title=f"Cylindrical Projection ({w}x{h})", title_location="below", plot_width=None, plot_height=None, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, tooltips=tooltips, show_axis=False, show_toolbar=True, crosshair_color="white", aspect_ratio=w/h)
if draw_cylproj_box:
if ang_min<ang_max:
fig_cylproj.quad(left=ang_min, right=ang_max, bottom=z_min, top=z_max, line_color=None, fill_color='yellow', fill_alpha=0.5)
fig_cylproj.quad(left=ang_min, right=180, bottom=z_min, top=z_max, line_color=None, fill_color='yellow', fill_alpha=0.5)
fig_cylproj.quad(left=-180, right=ang_max, bottom=z_min, top=z_max, line_color=None, fill_color='yellow', fill_alpha=0.5)
st.text("") # workaround for a layout bug in streamlit
st.bokeh_chart(fig_cylproj, use_container_width=True)
del fig_cylproj
del cylproj
if show_acf:
st.text("") # workaround for a streamlit layout bug
h, w = acf.shape
tooltips = [("twist", "$x°"), ('rise', '$yÅ'), ('acf', '@image')]
fig_acf = generate_bokeh_figure(acf, da, dz, title=f"Auto-Correlation ({w}x{h})", title_location="below", plot_width=None, plot_height=None, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, tooltips=tooltips, show_axis=False, show_toolbar=True, crosshair_color="white", aspect_ratio=w/h)
if peaks is not None:
show_peaks = show_peaks_empty.checkbox(label="Peaks", value=True, help=f"Mark the {len(peaks)} peaks detected in the auto-correlation function with yellow circles", key="show_peaks")
if show_peaks:
x = peaks[:npeaks, 0]
y = peaks[:npeaks, 1]
fig_acf.ellipse(x, y, width=peak_width, height=peak_height, line_width=1, line_color='yellow', fill_alpha=0)
st.bokeh_chart(fig_acf, use_container_width=True)
del fig_acf
if peaks is None:
msg_empty.warning("No peak was found from the auto-correlation image \n" + msg_hint)
elif len(peaks)<3:
msg_empty.warning(f"Only {len(peaks)} peaks were found. At least 3 peaks are required \n" + msg_hint)
twist_empty = st.empty()
rise_empty = st.empty()
csym_empty = st.empty()
button_refine_twist_rise = st.button("Refine twist/rise")
with col2:
h, w = acf.shape
h2 = 900 # final plot height
w2 = int(round(w * h2/h))//2*2
x_axis_label="twist (°)"
y_axis_label="rise (Å)"
tooltips = [("twist", "$x°"), ('rise', '$yÅ'), ('acf', '@image')]
fig_indexing = generate_bokeh_figure(image=acf, dx=da, dy=dz, title="", title_location="above", plot_width=None, plot_height=None, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, tooltips=tooltips, show_axis=True, show_toolbar=True, crosshair_color="white", aspect_ratio=w/h)
# horizontal line along the equator
from bokeh.models import Arrow, VeeHead
fig_indexing.line([-w//2*da, (w//2-1)*da], [0, 0], line_width=2, line_color="yellow", line_dash="dashed")
trc1, trc2 = fitHelicalLattice(peaks[:npeaks], acf, da=da, dz=dz)
trc_mean = consistent_twist_rise_cn_sets([trc1], [trc2], epsilon=1.0)
success = True if trc_mean else False
if success:
twist_tmp, rise_tmp, cn = trc_mean[0]
twist_auto, rise_auto = refine_twist_rise(acf_image=(acf, da, dz), twist=twist_tmp, rise=rise_tmp, cn=cn)
csym_auto = cn
twist_auto, rise_auto, csym_auto = trc1
msg = f"The two automated methods with default parameters have failed to obtain consistent helical parameters using {npeaks} peaks. The two solutions are: \n"
msg+= f"Twist per subunit:  {round(trc1[0],2):>6.2f} {round(trc2[0],2):>6.2f} ° \n"
msg+= f"Rise per subunit:  {round(trc1[1],2):>6.2f} {round(trc2[1]):>6.2f} Å \n"
msg+= f"Csym      :  c{int(trc1[2]):5}  c{int(trc2[2]):5} \n \n"
msg+= msg_hint
twist_manual = twist_empty.number_input(label="Twist (°):", min_value=-180., max_value=180., value=float(round(twist_auto,2)), step=0.01, format="%g", help="Manually set the helical twist instead of automatically detecting it from the lattice in the auto-correlation function")
rise_manual = rise_empty.number_input(label="Rise (Å):", min_value=0., max_value=h*dz, value=float(round(rise_auto,2)), step=0.01, format="%g", help="Manually set the helical rise instead of automatically detecting it from the lattice in the auto-correlation function")
csym = int(csym_empty.number_input(label="Csym:", min_value=1, max_value=64, value=int(csym_auto), step=1, format="%d", help="Manually set the cyclic symmetry instead of automatically detecting it from the lattice in the auto-correlation function", key="csym"))
if button_refine_twist_rise:
twist, rise = refine_twist_rise(acf_image=(acf, da, dz), twist=twist_manual, rise=rise_manual, cn=csym)
twist, rise = twist_manual, rise_manual
st.session_state.twist = twist
st.session_state.rise = rise
fig_indexing.title.text = f"twist={round(twist,2):g}° (pitch={round(360/abs(twist)*rise, 2):g}Å) rise={round(rise,2):g}Å csym=c{int(csym):d}"
fig_indexing.title.align = "center"
fig_indexing.title.text_font_size = "24px"
fig_indexing.title.text_font_style = "normal"
fig_indexing.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "16pt"
fig_indexing.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "16pt"
fig_indexing.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt"
fig_indexing.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt"
fig_indexing.hover[0].attachment = "vertical"
show_arrow = show_arrow_empty.checkbox(label="Arrow", value=True, help="Show an arrow in the central panel from the center to the first lattice point corresponding to the helical twist/rise", key="show_arrow")
if show_arrow:
fig_indexing.add_layout(Arrow(x_start=0, y_start=0, x_end=twist, y_end=rise, line_color="yellow", line_width=4, end=VeeHead(line_color="yellow", fill_color="yellow", line_width=2)))
show_lattice = show_lattice_empty.checkbox(label="Lattice", value=True, help="Show the helical twist/rise lattice in the central panel", key="show_lattice")
if show_lattice:
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Scatter
from bokeh.palettes import Category10
colors_avail = Category10[max(3, min(10, csym))]
colors = [colors_avail[si % len(colors_avail)] for si in range(csym)]
n = int(h/2*dz/rise)+1
n = np.arange(-n, n+1)
x = np.fmod(twist * n + np.max(n)*360, 360)
x[x>180] -= 360
y = rise * n
for si in range(csym):
xsym = np.fmod(x + 360/csym * si, 360)
xsym[xsym>180] -= 360
source = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=xsym, y=y))
scatter = Scatter(x='x', y='y', marker='circle', size=10, line_width=3, line_color=colors[si], fill_color=None)
fig_indexing.add_glyph(source, scatter)
from bokeh.models import CustomJS
from bokeh.events import MouseEnter
title_js = CustomJS(args=dict(title=title), code="""
fig_indexing.js_on_event(MouseEnter, title_js)
st.text("") # workaround for a layout bug in streamlit
st.bokeh_chart(fig_indexing, use_container_width=True)
del fig_indexing
del acf
if share_url:
if show_qr:
with col2:
qr_image = qr_code()
with col2:
st.markdown("*Developed by the [Jiang Lab@Purdue University](https://jiang.bio.purdue.edu/HI3D). Report problems to [HI3D@GitHub](https://github.com/jianglab/hi3d/issues)*")
st.markdown("Please cite: *Sun, C., Gonzalez, B., & Jiang, W. (2022). Helical Indexing in Real Space. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-11382-7*")
def generate_bokeh_figure(image, dx, dy, title="", title_location="below", plot_width=None, plot_height=None, x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', tooltips=None, show_angle_tooltip=False, show_axis=True, show_toolbar=True, crosshair_color="white", aspect_ratio=None):
from bokeh.plotting import figure
h, w = image.shape
if aspect_ratio is None and (plot_width and plot_height):
aspect_ratio = plot_width/plot_height
tools = 'box_zoom,crosshair,pan,reset,save,wheel_zoom'
fig = figure(title_location=title_location,
frame_width=plot_width, frame_height=plot_height,
x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label,
x_range=(-w//2*dx, (w//2-1)*dx), y_range=(-h//2*dy, (h//2-1)*dy),
tools=tools, aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio)
fig.grid.visible = False
if title:
fig.title.align = "center"
fig.title.text_font_size = "18px"
fig.title.text_font_style = "normal"
if not show_axis: fig.axis.visible = False
if not show_toolbar: fig.toolbar_location = None
source_data = dict(image=[image], x=[-w//2*dx], y=[-h//2*dy], dw=[w*dx], dh=[h*dy])
# add hover tool only for the image
from bokeh.models.tools import HoverTool, CrosshairTool
if tooltips is not None and show_angle_tooltip:
tooltips = tooltips + [("angle", '°')]
from bokeh.models import LinearColorMapper
color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette='Greys256') # Greys256, Viridis256
fig_image = fig.image(source=source_data, image='image', color_mapper=color_mapper, x='x', y='y', dw='dw', dh='dh')
image_hover = HoverTool(renderers=[fig_image], tooltips=tooltips)
# avoid the need for embedding angle image -> smaller fig object and less data to transfer
if tooltips is not None and show_angle_tooltip:
mousemove_callback_code = """
var x = cb_obj.x
var y = cb_obj.y
var angle = Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI - 90
if (angle < -180) angle += 360
angle = Math.round(angle*10)/10
hover.tooltips[hover.tooltips.length - 1][1] = angle.toString() + "°"
from bokeh.models import CustomJS
from bokeh.events import MouseMove
mousemove_callback = CustomJS(args={"hover":fig.hover[0]}, code=mousemove_callback_code)
fig.js_on_event(MouseMove, mousemove_callback)
crosshair = [t for t in fig.tools if isinstance(t, CrosshairTool)]
if crosshair:
for ch in crosshair: ch.line_color = crosshair_color
return fig
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def fitHelicalLattice(peaks, acf, da=1.0, dz=1.0):
if len(peaks) < 3:
#st.warning(f"WARNING: only {len(peaks)} peaks were found. At least 3 peaks are required")
return (None, None, peaks)
trc1s = []
trc2s = []
consistent_solution_found = False
nmax = len(peaks) if len(peaks)%2 else len(peaks)-1
for n in range(nmax, min(7, nmax)-1, -2):
trc1 = getHelicalLattice(peaks[:n])
trc2 = getGenericLattice(peaks[:n])
if consistent_twist_rise_cn_sets([trc1], [trc2], epsilon=1.0):
consistent_solution_found = True
if not consistent_solution_found:
for _ in range(100):
from random import randint, sample
if len(peaks)//2 > 5: # stronger peaks
n = randint(5, len(peaks)//2)
random_choices = sorted(sample(range(2*n), k=n))
n = randint(3, len(peaks))
random_choices = sorted(sample(range(len(peaks)), k=n))
if 0 not in random_choices: random_choices = [0] + random_choices
peaks_random = peaks[random_choices]
trc1 = getHelicalLattice(peaks_random)
trc2 = getGenericLattice(peaks_random)
if consistent_twist_rise_cn_sets([trc1], [trc2], epsilon=1):
consistent_solution_found = True
if not consistent_solution_found:
trc_mean = consistent_twist_rise_cn_sets(trc1s, trc2s, epsilon=1)
if trc_mean:
_, trc1, trc2 = trc_mean
trc1s = np.array(trc1s)
trc2s = np.array(trc2s)
trc1 = list(geometric_median(X=trc1s[:,:2])) + [int(np.median(trc1s[:,2]))]
trc2 = list(geometric_median(X=trc2s[:,:2])) + [int(np.median(trc2s[:,2]))]
twist1, rise1, cn1 = trc1
twist1, rise1 = refine_twist_rise(acf_image=(acf, da, dz), twist=twist1, rise=rise1, cn=cn1)
twist2, rise2, cn2 = trc2
twist2, rise2 = refine_twist_rise(acf_image=(acf, da, dz), twist=twist2, rise=rise2, cn=cn2)
return (twist1, rise1, cn1), (twist2, rise2, cn2)
def consistent_twist_rise_cn_sets(twist_rise_cn_set_1, twist_rise_cn_set_2, epsilon=1.0):
def angle_difference(angle1, angle2):
err = abs((angle1 - angle2) % 360)
if err > 180: err -= 360
err = abs(err)
return err
def angle_mean(angle1, angle2):
angles = np.deg2rad([angle1, angle2])
ret = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2( np.sin(angles).sum(), np.cos(angles).sum()))
return ret
def consistent_twist_rise_cn_pair(twist_rise_cn_1, twist_rise_cn_2, epsilon=1.0):
def good_twist_rise_cn(twist, rise, cn, epsilon=0.1):
if abs(twist)>epsilon:
if abs(rise)>epsilon: return True
elif abs(rise*360./twist/cn)>epsilon: return True # pitch>epsilon
else: return False
if abs(rise)>epsilon: return True
else: return False
if twist_rise_cn_1 is None or twist_rise_cn_2 is None:
return None
twist1, rise1, cn1 = twist_rise_cn_1
twist2, rise2, cn2 = twist_rise_cn_2
if not good_twist_rise_cn(twist1, rise1, cn1, epsilon=0.1): return None
if not good_twist_rise_cn(twist2, rise2, cn2, epsilon=0.1): return None
if cn1==cn2 and abs(rise2-rise1)<epsilon and angle_difference(twist1, twist2)<epsilon:
cn = cn1
rise_tmp = (rise1+rise2)/2
twist_tmp = angle_mean(twist1, twist2)
return twist_tmp, rise_tmp, int(cn)
return None
for twist_rise_cn_1 in twist_rise_cn_set_1:
for twist_rise_cn_2 in twist_rise_cn_set_2:
trc = consistent_twist_rise_cn_pair(twist_rise_cn_1, twist_rise_cn_2, epsilon=epsilon)
if trc: return (trc, twist_rise_cn_1, twist_rise_cn_2)
return None
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def refine_twist_rise(acf_image, twist, rise, cn):
from scipy.optimize import minimize
if rise<=0: return twist, rise
cn = int(cn)
acf_image, da, dz = acf_image
ny, nx = acf_image.shape
npeak = max(3, min(100, int(ny/2/abs(rise)/2)))
npeak = 3
i = np.repeat(range(1, npeak), cn)
w = np.power(i, 1./2)
x_sym = np.tile(range(cn), npeak-1) * 360./cn
def score(x):
twist, rise = x
px = np.fmod(nx//2 + i * twist/da + x_sym + npeak*nx, nx)
py = ny//2 + i * rise/dz
v = map_coordinates(acf_image, (py, px))
score = -np.sum(v*w)
return score
res = minimize(score, (twist, rise), method='nelder-mead', options={'xatol': 1e-4, 'adaptive': True})
twist_opt, rise_opt = res.x
twist_opt = set_to_periodic_range(twist_opt, min=-180, max=180)
return twist_opt, rise_opt
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def getHelicalLattice(peaks):
if len(peaks) < 3:
#st.warning(f"only {len(peaks)} peaks were found. At least 3 peaks are required")
return (0, 0, 1)
x = peaks[:, 0]
y = peaks[:, 1]
ys = np.sort(y)
vys = ys[1:] - ys[:-1]
vy = np.median(vys[np.abs(vys) > 1e-1])
j = np.around(y / vy)
nonzero = j != 0
if np.count_nonzero(nonzero)>0:
rise = np.median(y[nonzero] / j[nonzero])
if np.isnan(rise):
#st.warning(f"failed to detect rise parameter. all {len(peaks)} peaks are in the same row?")
return (0, 0, 1)
#st.warning(f"failed to detect rise parameter. all {len(peaks)} peaks are on the equator?")
return (0, 0, 1)
cn = 1
js = np.rint(y / rise)
spacing = []
for j in sorted(list(set(js))):
x_j = x[js == j]
if len(x_j) > 1:
spacing += list(x_j[1:] - x_j[:-1])
if len(spacing):
best_spacing = max(0.01, np.median(spacing)) # avoid corner case crash
cn_f = 360. / best_spacing
expected_spacing = 360./round(cn_f)
if abs(best_spacing - expected_spacing)/expected_spacing < 0.05:
cn = int(round(cn_f))
js = np.rint(y / rise)
above_equator = js > 0
if np.count_nonzero(above_equator)>0:
min_j = js[above_equator].min() # result might not be right if min_j>1
vx = sorted(x[js == min_j] / min_j, key=lambda x: abs(x))[0]
x2 = np.reshape(x, (len(x), 1))
xdiffs = x2 - x2.T
y2 = np.reshape(y, (len(y), 1))
ydiffs = y2 - y2.T
selected = (np.rint(ydiffs / rise) == min_j) & (np.rint(xdiffs / vx) == min_j)
best_vx = np.mean(xdiffs[selected])
if best_vx > 180: best_vx -= 360
best_vx /= min_j
twist = best_vx
if cn>1 and abs(twist)>180./cn:
if twist<0: twist+=360./cn
elif twist>0: twist-=360./cn
if np.isnan(twist):
#st.warning(f"failed to detect twist parameter using {len(peaks)} peaks")
return (0, 0, 1)
#st.warning(f"failed to detect twist parameter using {len(peaks)} peaks")
return (0, 0, 1)
return (twist, rise, int(cn))
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def getGenericLattice(peaks):
if len(peaks) < 3:
#st.warning(f"only {len(peaks)} peaks were found. At least 3 peaks are required")
return (0, 0, 1)
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
mindist = 10 # minimal inter-subunit distance
minang = 15 # minimal angle between a and b vectors
epsilon = 0.5
def angle(v1, v2=None): # angle between two vectors, ignoring vector polarity
p = np.dot(v1, v2)/(np.linalg.norm(v1)*np.linalg.norm(v2))
p = np.clip(abs(p), 0, 1)
ret = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(p)) # 0<=angle<90
return ret
def distance(v1, v2):
d = math.hypot(v1[0] - v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1])
return d
def onEquator(v, epsilon=0.5):
# test if b vector is on the equator
if abs(v[1]) > epsilon: return 0
return 1
def pickTriplet(kdtree, index=-1):
pick a point as the origin and find two points closest to the origin
m, n = kdtree.data.shape # number of data points, dimension of each data point
if index < 0:
index = random.randint(0, m - 1)
origin = kdtree.data[index]
distances, indices = kdtree.query(origin, k=m)
first = None
for i in range(1, m):
v = kdtree.data[indices[i]]
#if onEquator(v - origin, epsilon=epsilon):
# continue
first = v
second = None
for j in range(i + 1, m):
v = kdtree.data[indices[j]]
#if onEquator(v - origin, epsilon=epsilon):
# continue
ang = angle(first - origin, v - origin)
dist = distance(first - origin, v - origin)
if dist > mindist and ang > minang:
second = v
return (origin, first, second)
def peaks2NaNbVaVbOrigin(peaks, va, vb, origin):
# first find indices of each peak using current unit cell vectors
A = np.vstack((va, vb)).transpose()
b = (peaks - origin).transpose()
x = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
NaNb = np.around(x)
# then refine unit cell vectors using these indices
good = np.abs(x-NaNb).max(axis=0) < 0.1 # ignore bad peaks
one = np.ones((1, (NaNb[:, good].shape)[1]))
A = np.vstack((NaNb[:, good], one)).transpose()
(p, residues, rank, s) = np.linalg.lstsq(A, peaks[good, :], rcond=-1)
va = p[0]
vb = p[1]
origin = p[2]
err = np.sqrt(sum(residues)) / len(peaks)
return {"NaNb": NaNb, "a": va, "b": vb, "origin": origin, "err": err}
kdt = KDTree(peaks)
bestLattice = None
minError = 1e30
for i in range(len(peaks)):
origin, first, second = pickTriplet(kdt, index=i)
if first is None or second is None: continue
va = first - origin
vb = second - origin
lattice = peaks2NaNbVaVbOrigin(peaks, va, vb, origin)
lattice = peaks2NaNbVaVbOrigin(peaks, lattice["a"], lattice["b"], lattice["origin"])
err = lattice["err"]
if err < minError:
dist = distance(lattice['a'], lattice['b'])
ang = angle(lattice['a'], lattice['b'])
if dist > mindist and ang > minang:
minError = err
bestLattice = lattice
if bestLattice is None:
# assume all peaks are along the same line of an arbitrary direction
# fit a line through the peaks
from scipy.odr import Data, ODR, unilinear
x = peaks[:, 0]
y = peaks[:, 1]
odr_data = Data(x, y)
odr_obj = ODR(odr_data, unilinear)
output = odr_obj.run()
x2 = x + output.delta # positions on the fitted line
y2 = y + output.eps
v0 = np.array([x2[-1]-x2[0], y2[-1]-y2[0]])
v0 = v0/np.linalg.norm(v0, ord=2) # unit vector along the fitted line
ref_i = 0
t = (x2-x2[ref_i])*v0[0] + (y2-y2[ref_i])*v0[1] # coordinate along the fitted line
spacings = t[1:]-t[:-1]
a = np.median(spacings[np.abs(spacings)>1e-1])
a = v0 * a
if a[1]<0: a *= -1
bestLattice = {"a": a, "b": a}
a, b = bestLattice["a"], bestLattice["b"]
minLength = max(1.0, min(np.linalg.norm(a), np.linalg.norm(b)) * 0.9)
vs_on_equator = []
vs_off_equator = []
maxI = 10
for i in range(-maxI, maxI + 1):
for j in range(-maxI, maxI + 1):
if i or j:
v = i * a + j * b
v[0] = set_to_periodic_range(v[0], min=-180, max=180)
if np.linalg.norm(v) > minLength:
if v[1]<0: v *= -1
if onEquator(v, epsilon=epsilon):
twist, rise, cn = 0, 0, 1
if vs_on_equator:
vs_on_equator.sort(key=lambda v: abs(v[0]))
best_spacing = abs(vs_on_equator[0][0])
cn_f = 360. / best_spacing
expected_spacing = 360./round(cn_f)
if abs(best_spacing - expected_spacing)/expected_spacing < 0.05:
cn = int(round(cn_f))
if vs_off_equator:
vs_off_equator.sort(key=lambda v: (abs(round(v[1]/epsilon)), abs(v[0])))
twist, rise = vs_off_equator[0]
if cn>1 and abs(twist)>180./cn:
if twist<0: twist+=360./cn
elif twist>0: twist-=360./cn
return twist, rise, int(cn)
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def find_peaks(acf, da, dz, peak_width=9.0, peak_height=9.0, minmass=1.0, max_peaks=71):
from trackpy import locate, refine_com
# diameter: fraction of the maximal dimension of the image (acf)
diameter_height = int(peak_height/dz+0.5)//2*2+1
diameter_width = int(peak_width/da+0.5)//2*2+1
pad_width = diameter_width * 3
acf2 = np.hstack((acf[:, -pad_width:], acf, acf[:, :pad_width])) # to handle peaks at left/right edges
# try a few different shapes around the starting height/width
params = []
for hf, wf in ((1, 1), (1, 2), (0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 1)):
params += [(int(diameter_height*hf+0.5)//2*2+1, int(diameter_width*wf+0.5)//2*2+1)]
while True:
results = []
for h, w in params:
if h<1 or w<1: continue
f = locate(acf2, diameter=(h, w), minmass=minmass, separation=(h*2, w*2))
if len(f):
results.append((f["mass"].sum()*np.power(len(f), -0.5), len(f), f, h, w))
f_refined = refine_com(raw_image=acf2, image=acf2, radius=(h//2, w//2), coords=f) # radius must be even integers?
results.append((f_refined["mass"].sum()*np.power(len(f_refined), -0.5), len(f_refined), f_refined, h, w))
if len(results) and results[-1][1] > 31: break
results.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
if len(results) and results[0][1]>3: break
minmass *= 0.9
if minmass<0.1: return None, None
f = results[0][2]
f.loc[:, 'x'] -= pad_width
f = f.loc[ (f['x'] >= 0) & (f['x'] < acf.shape[1]) ]
f = f.sort_values(["mass"], ascending=False)[:max_peaks]
peaks = np.zeros((len(f), 2), dtype=float)
peaks[:, 0] = f['x'].values - acf.shape[1]//2 # pixel
peaks[:, 1] = f['y'].values - acf.shape[0]//2 # pixel
peaks[:, 0] *= da # the values are now in degree
peaks[:, 1] *= dz # the values are now in Angstrom
return peaks, f["mass"]
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def auto_correlation(data, sqrt=False, high_pass_fraction=0):
from scipy.signal import correlate2d
fft = np.fft.rfft2(data)
product = fft*np.conj(fft)
if sqrt: product = np.sqrt(product)
if 0<high_pass_fraction<=1:
nz, na = product.shape
Z, A = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-nz//2, nz//2, dtype=float), np.arange(-na//2, na//2, dtype=float), indexing='ij')
Z /= nz//2
A /= na//2
f2 = np.log(2)/(high_pass_fraction**2)
filter = 1.0 - np.exp(- f2 * Z**2) # Z-direction only
product *= np.fft.fftshift(filter)
corr = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfft2(product))
corr -= np.median(corr, axis=1, keepdims=True)
corr = normalize(corr)
if sqrt:
corr = np.power(np.log1p(corr), 1/3) # make weaker peaks brighter
corr = normalize(corr)
return corr
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def make_square_shape(cylproj):
nz, na = cylproj.shape
if nz<na:
zeros_top = np.zeros((na//2-nz//2, na))
zeros_bottom = np.zeros((na-nz-zeros_top.shape[0], na))
ret = cylproj-cylproj[[0,-1], :].mean() # subtract the mean values of top/bottom rows
ret = np.vstack((zeros_top, ret, zeros_bottom))
elif nz>na:
row0 = nz//2-na//2
ret = cylproj[row0:row0+na]
ret = cylproj
return ret
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def cylindrical_projection(map3d, da=1, dz=1, dr=1, rmin=0, rmax=-1, interpolation_order=1):
# da: degree
# dr/dz/rmin/rmax: pixel
nz, ny, nx = map3d.shape
if rmax<=rmin:
rmax = min(nx//2, ny//2)
theta = (np.arange(0, 360, da, dtype=np.float32) - 90) * np.pi/180.
#z = np.arange(0, nz, dz) # use entire length
n_theta = len(theta)
z = np.arange(max(0, nz//2-n_theta//2*dz), min(nz, nz//2+n_theta//2*dz), dz, dtype=np.float32) # use only the central segment
cylindrical_proj = np.zeros((len(z), len(theta)), dtype=np.float32)
for r in np.arange(rmin, rmax, dr, dtype=np.float32):
z_grid, theta_grid = np.meshgrid(z, theta, indexing='ij', copy=False)
y_grid = ny//2 + r * np.sin(theta_grid)
x_grid = nx//2 + r * np.cos(theta_grid)
coords = np.vstack((z_grid.flatten(), y_grid.flatten(), x_grid.flatten()))
cylindrical_image = map_coordinates(map3d, coords, order=interpolation_order, mode='nearest').reshape(z_grid.shape)
cylindrical_proj += cylindrical_image * r
cylindrical_proj = normalize(cylindrical_proj)
return cylindrical_proj
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def minimal_grids(map3d, max_map_dim=300):
nz, ny, nx = map3d.shape
n_min_xy = min([ny, nx])
n_min_z = min(nz, n_min_xy)
bin = max(1, n_min_xy//max_map_dim+1)
ret = map3d[nz//2-n_min_xy//2:nz//2+n_min_xy//2:bin, ny//2-n_min_xy//2:ny//2+n_min_xy//2:bin, nx//2-n_min_z//2:nx//2+n_min_z//2:bin]
return ret, bin
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def auto_masking(map3d):
required_packages = "skimage:scikit_image".split()
from skimage.segmentation import watershed
data = (map3d/map3d.max())
data[data<0] = 0
markers = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype = np.uint)
markers[data < 0.02] = 1 # background
markers[data > 0.2 ] = 2 # structure
labels = watershed(data.astype(np.float64), markers=markers, connectivity=1, offset=None, mask=None, compactness=0, watershed_line=False)
if np.count_nonzero(labels == 2)>map3d.size * 0.001:
labels[labels != 2] = 0
labels[labels == 2] = 1
masked = data * labels
masked = data
return masked
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def estimate_radial_range(radprofile, thresh_ratio=0.1):
background = np.mean(radprofile[-3:])
thresh = (radprofile.max() - background) * thresh_ratio + background
indices = np.nonzero(radprofile>thresh)
rmin_auto = np.min(indices)
rmax_auto = np.max(indices)
return float(rmin_auto), float(rmax_auto)
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def compute_radial_profile(data):
proj = data.mean(axis=0)
ny, nx = proj.shape
rmax = min(nx//2, ny//2)
r = np.arange(0, rmax, 1, dtype=np.float32)
theta = np.arange(0, 360, 1, dtype=np.float32) * np.pi/180.
n_theta = len(theta)
theta_grid, r_grid = np.meshgrid(theta, r, indexing='ij', copy=False)
y_grid = ny//2 + r_grid * np.sin(theta_grid)
x_grid = nx//2 + r_grid * np.cos(theta_grid)
coords = np.vstack((y_grid.flatten(), x_grid.flatten()))
polar = map_coordinates(proj, coords, order=1).reshape(r_grid.shape)
rad_profile = polar.mean(axis=0)
return rad_profile
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def transform_map(data, shift_x=0, shift_y=0, shift_z=0, angle_x=0, angle_y=0):
if not (shift_x or shift_y or angle_x or angle_y):
return data
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform
# note the convention change
# xyz in scipy is zyx in cryoEM maps
rot = R.from_euler('zy', [-angle_x, angle_y], degrees=True)
m = rot.as_matrix()
nx, ny, nz = data.shape
bcenter = np.array((nx//2, ny//2, nz//2), dtype=m.dtype)
offset = bcenter.T - np.dot(m, bcenter.T) + np.array([shift_z, shift_y, -shift_x])
ret = affine_transform(data, matrix=m, offset=offset, mode='nearest')
return ret
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def auto_vertical_center(image, max_angle=15):
image_work = 1.0 * image
# rough estimate of rotation
def score_rotation(angle):
tmp = rotate_shift_image(data=image_work, angle=angle)
y_proj = tmp.sum(axis=0)
percentiles = (100, 95, 90, 85, 80) # more robust than max alone
y_values = np.percentile(y_proj, percentiles)
err = -np.sum(y_values)
return err
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
res = minimize_scalar(score_rotation, bounds=(-max_angle, max_angle), method='bounded', options={'disp':0})
res_90 = minimize_scalar(score_rotation, bounds=(90-max_angle, 90+max_angle), method='bounded', options={'disp':0})
if res.fun < res_90.fun:
angle = res.x
angle = res_90.x
# further refine rotation
def score_rotation_shift(x):
angle, dy, dx = x
tmp1 = rotate_shift_image(data=image_work, angle=angle, pre_shift=(dy, dx))
tmp2 = rotate_shift_image(data=image_work, angle=angle+180, pre_shift=(dy, dx))
tmps = [tmp1, tmp2, tmp1[::-1,:], tmp2[::-1,:], tmp1[:,::-1], tmp2[:,::-1]]
tmp_mean = np.zeros_like(image_work)
for tmp in tmps: tmp_mean += tmp
tmp_mean /= len(tmps)
err = 0
for tmp in tmps:
err += np.sum(np.abs(tmp - tmp_mean))
err /= len(tmps) * image_work.size
return err
from scipy.optimize import fmin
res = fmin(score_rotation_shift, x0=(angle, 0, 0), xtol=1e-2, disp=0)
angle = res[0] # dy, dx are not robust enough
if angle>90: angle-=180
elif angle<-90: angle+=180
# refine dx
image_work = rotate_shift_image(data=image_work, angle=angle)
y = np.sum(image_work, axis=0)
y -= y.min()
n = len(y)
from scipy.ndimage import center_of_mass
cx = int(round(center_of_mass(y)[0]))
max_shift = abs((cx-n//2)*2)+3
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
x = np.arange(3*n)
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, np.tile(y, 3), kind='cubic') # avoid out-of-bound errors
def score_shift(dx):
x_tmp = x[n:2*n]-dx
tmp = f(x_tmp)
err = np.sum(np.abs(tmp-tmp[::-1]))
return err
res = minimize_scalar(score_shift, bounds=(-max_shift, max_shift), method='bounded', options={'disp':0})
dx = res.x + (0.0 if n%2 else 0.5)
return angle, dx
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def rotate_shift_image(data, angle=0, pre_shift=(0, 0), post_shift=(0, 0), rotation_center=None, order=1):
# pre_shift/rotation_center/post_shift: [y, x]
if angle==0 and pre_shift==[0,0] and post_shift==[0,0]: return data*1.0
ny, nx = data.shape
if rotation_center is None:
rotation_center = np.array((ny//2, nx//2), dtype=np.float32)
ang = np.deg2rad(angle)
m = np.array([[np.cos(ang), -np.sin(ang)], [np.sin(ang), np.cos(ang)]], dtype=np.float32)
pre_dy, pre_dx = pre_shift
post_dy, post_dx = post_shift
offset = -np.dot(m, np.array([post_dy, post_dx], dtype=np.float32).T) # post_rotation shift
offset += np.array(rotation_center, dtype=np.float32).T - np.dot(m, np.array(rotation_center, dtype=np.float32).T) # rotation around the specified center
offset += -np.array([pre_dy, pre_dx], dtype=np.float32).T # pre-rotation shift
from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform
ret = affine_transform(data, matrix=m, offset=offset, order=order, mode='constant')
return ret
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def normalize(data, percentile=(0, 100)):
p0, p1 = percentile
vmin, vmax = sorted(np.percentile(data, (p0, p1)))
data2 = (data-vmin)/(vmax-vmin)
return data2
def get_3d_map_from_uploaded_file(fileobj):
import os, tempfile
orignal_filename = fileobj.name
suffix = os.path.splitext(orignal_filename)[-1]
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix) as temp:
return get_3d_map_from_file(temp.name)
def extract_emd_id(text):
import re
pattern = r'.*emd_([0-9]+)\.map.*'
match = re.search(pattern, text, re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
emd_id = match.group(1)
emd_id = None
return emd_id
def get_emdb_ids():
import pandas as pd
entries_all = pd.read_csv('https://www.ebi.ac.uk/emdb/api/search/current_status:"REL"?rows=1000000&wt=csv&download=true&fl=emdb_id,structure_determination_method,resolution')
methods = list(entries_all["structure_determination_method"])
entries_helical = entries_all[entries_all["structure_determination_method"]=="helical"]
emdb_ids_all = list(entries_all.iloc[:,0].str.split('-', expand=True).iloc[:, 1].values)
emdb_ids_helical = list(entries_helical.iloc[:,0].str.split('-', expand=True).iloc[:, 1].values)
emdb_ids_all = []
emdb_ids_helical = []
methods = {}
return emdb_ids_all, emdb_ids_helical, methods
@st.cache_data(persist='disk', max_entries=1, show_spinner=False)
def get_emdb_parameters(emd_id):
emd_id2 = ''.join([s for s in str(emd_id) if s.isdigit()])
url = f"https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/emdb/structures/EMD-{emd_id2}/header/emd-{emd_id2}.xml"
from urllib.request import urlopen
with urlopen(url) as response:
xml_data = response.read()
import xmltodict
data = xmltodict.parse(xml_data)
return None
ret = {}
ret['sample'] = data['emd']['sample']['name']
ret["method"] = data['emd']['structure_determination_list']['structure_determination']['method']
dimensions = data['emd']['map']['dimensions']
ret["nz"] = int(dimensions["sec"])
ret["ny"] = int(dimensions["row"])
ret["nx"] = int(dimensions["col"])
res_dict = dict_recursive_search(data, 'resolution')
if res_dict:
ret["resolution"] = float(res_dict['#text'])
if ret["method"] == 'helical':
#ret["resolution"] = float(data['emd']['structure_determination_list']['structure_determination']['helical_processing']['final_reconstruction']['resolution']['#text'])
helical_parameters = data['emd']['structure_determination_list']['structure_determination']['helical_processing']['final_reconstruction']['applied_symmetry']['helical_parameters']
#assert(helical_parameters['delta_phi']['@units'] == 'deg')
#assert(helical_parameters['delta_z']['@units'] == 'Å')
ret["twist"] = float(helical_parameters['delta_phi']['#text'])
ret["rise"] = float(helical_parameters['delta_z']['#text'])
ret["csym"] = int(helical_parameters['axial_symmetry'][1:])
return ret
def is_amyloid(params, cutoff=6):
if "twist" in params and "rise" in params:
twist = params["twist"]
rise = params["rise"]
r = np.hypot(twist, rise)
if r<cutoff: return True
twist2 = abs(twist)-180
r = np.hypot(twist2, rise)
if r<cutoff: return True
if "sample" in params:
sample = params["sample"].lower()
for target in "tau synuclein amyloid tdp-43".split():
if sample.find(target)!=-1: return True
return False
def get_emdb_map_url(emdid):
emdid_number = emdid.lower().split("emd-")[-1]
#server = "https://files.wwpdb.org/pub" # Rutgers University, USA
server = "https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases" # European Bioinformatics Institute, England
#server = "http://ftp.pdbj.org/pub" # Osaka University, Japan
url = f"{server}/emdb/structures/EMD-{emdid_number}/map/emd_{emdid_number}.map.gz"
return url
def get_emdb_map(emdid):
url = get_emdb_map_url(emdid)
data = get_3d_map_from_url(url)
return data
def get_3d_map_from_url(url):
url_final = get_direct_url(url) # convert cloud drive indirect url to direct url
with download_file_from_url(url_final) as fileobj:
if fileobj is None:
st.error(f"ERROR: {url} could not be downloaded. If this url points to a cloud drive file, make sure the link is a direct download link instead of a link for preview")
data = get_3d_map_from_file(fileobj.name)
import os
file_to_remove = fileobj.name.removesuffix(".gz")
if os.path.exists(file_to_remove):
return data
def get_3d_map_from_file(filename):
if filename.endswith(".gz"):
filename_final = filename[:-3]
import gzip, shutil
with gzip.open(filename, 'r') as f_in, open(filename_final, 'wb') as f_out:
shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
filename_final = filename
import mrcfile
with mrcfile.open(filename_final,mode="r") as mrc:
data = mrc.data
map_crs = [int(mrc.header.mapc), int(mrc.header.mapr), int(mrc.header.maps)]
apix = mrc.voxel_size.x.item()
is3d = mrc.is_volume() or mrc.is_volume_stack()
return data, map_crs, apix
def change_mrc_map_crs_order(data, current_order, target_order=[1, 2, 3]):
if current_order == target_order: return data
map_crs_to_np_axes = {1:2, 2:1, 3:0}
current_np_axes_order = [map_crs_to_np_axes[int(i)] for i in current_order]
target_np_axes_order = [map_crs_to_np_axes[int(i)] for i in target_order]
import numpy as np
ret = np.moveaxis(data, current_np_axes_order, target_np_axes_order)
return ret
def download_file_from_url(url):
import tempfile
import requests
filesize = get_file_size(url)
local_filename = url.split('/')[-1]
suffix = '.' + local_filename
fileobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix)
msg = f'Downloading {url}'
if filesize is not None:
msg += f" ({filesize/2**20:.1f} MB)"
with st.spinner(msg):
with requests.get(url) as r:
r.raise_for_status() # Check for request success
return fileobj
except Exception as e:
return None
def get_file_size(url):
import requests
response = requests.head(url)
if 'Content-Length' in response.headers:
file_size = int(response.headers['Content-Length'])
return file_size
return None
def get_direct_url(url):
import re
if url.startswith("https://drive.google.com/file/d/"):
hash = url.split("/")[5]
return f"https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id={hash}"
elif url.startswith("https://app.box.com/s/"):
hash = url.split("/")[-1]
return f"https://app.box.com/shared/static/{hash}"
elif url.startswith("https://www.dropbox.com"):
if url.find("dl=1")!=-1: return url
elif url.find("dl=0")!=-1: return url.replace("dl=0", "dl=1")
else: return url+"?dl=1"
elif url.find("sharepoint.com")!=-1 and url.find("guestaccess.aspx")!=-1:
return url.replace("guestaccess.aspx", "download.aspx")
elif url.startswith("https://1drv.ms"):
import base64
data_bytes64 = base64.b64encode(bytes(url, 'utf-8'))
data_bytes64_String = data_bytes64.decode('utf-8').replace('/','_').replace('+','-').rstrip("=")
return f"https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0/shares/u!{data_bytes64_String}/root/content"
return url
int_types = ['csym', 'do_threshold', 'do_transform', 'input_mode', 'npeaks', 'random_embid', 'section_axis', 'share_url', 'show_acf', 'show_scf', 'show_arrow', 'show_cylproj', 'show_peaks', 'show_qr']
float_types = ['ang_max', 'ang_min', 'da', 'dz', 'peak_width', 'peak_height', 'rise', 'rmax', 'rmin', 'shiftx', 'shifty', 'shiftz', 'rotx', 'roty', 'thresh', 'twist', 'z_max', 'z_min']
default_values = {'csym':1, 'do_threshold':0, 'do_transform':0, 'input_mode':2, 'npeaks':71, 'random_embid':1, 'section_axis':2, 'share_url':0, 'show_acf':1, 'show_scf':0, 'show_arrow':1, 'show_cylproj':1, 'show_peaks':1, 'show_qr':0, 'ang_max':180., 'ang_min':-180., 'da':1.0, 'dz':1.0, 'peak_width':9.0, 'peak_height':9.0, 'rmin':0, 'shiftx':0, 'shifty':0, 'shiftz':0, 'rotx':0, 'roty':0, 'target_map_axes_order':'x,y,z', 'thresh':0, 'z_max':-180., 'z_min':180.}
def set_query_parameters():
d = {}
attrs = sorted(st.session_state.keys())
for attr in attrs:
v = st.session_state[attr]
if attr in default_values and v==default_values[attr]: continue
if attr in int_types or isinstance(v, bool):
d[attr] = int(v)
elif attr in float_types:
d[attr] = f'{float(v):g}'
d[attr] = v
def parse_query_parameters():
query_params = st.query_params
for attr in query_params:
if attr in int_types:
st.session_state[attr] = int(query_params[attr])
elif attr in float_types:
st.session_state[attr] = float(query_params[attr])
st.session_state[attr] = query_params[attr]
def dict_recursive_search(d, key, default=None):
stack = [iter(d.items())]
while stack:
for k, v in stack[-1]:
if k == key:
return v
elif isinstance(v, dict):
return default
def qr_code(url=None, size = 8):
import qrcode
if url is None: # ad hoc way before streamlit can return the url
_, host = is_hosted(return_host=True)
if len(host)<1: return None
if host == "streamlit":
url = "https://helical-indexing-hi3d.streamlit.app/"
elif host == "heroku":
url = "https://helical-indexing-hi3d.herokuapp.com/"
url = f"http://{host}:8501/"
import urllib
params = st.query_params
d = {k:params[k][0] for k in params}
url += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(d)
if not url: return None
img = qrcode.make(url) # qrcode.image.pil.PilImage
data = np.array(img.convert("RGBA"))
return data
def setup_anonymous_usage_tracking():
import pathlib, stat
index_file = pathlib.Path(st.__file__).parent / "static/index.html"
txt = index_file.read_text()
if txt.find("gtag/js?")==-1:
txt = txt.replace("<head>", '''<head><script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-8Z99BDVHTC"></script><script>window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', 'G-8Z99BDVHTC');</script>''')
def mem_info():
from psutil import virtual_memory
mem = virtual_memory()
mb = pow(2, 20)
return (mem.total/mb, mem.available/mb, mem.used/mb, mem.percent)
def mem_quota():
fqdn = get_hostname()
if fqdn.find("heroku")!=-1:
return 512 # MB
username = get_username()
if username.find("appuser")!=-1: # streamlit share
return 1024 # MB
available_mem = mem_info()[1]
return available_mem
def mem_used():
from psutil import Process
from os import getpid
mem = Process(getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024**2 # MB
return mem
def up_time():
from uptime import uptime
t = uptime()
if t is None: return 0
else: return t
def get_username():
from getpass import getuser
return getuser()
def get_hostname():
import socket
fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
return fqdn
def is_hosted(return_host=False):
hosted = False
host = ""
fqdn = get_hostname()
if fqdn.find("heroku")!=-1:
hosted = True
host = "heroku"
username = get_username()
if username.find("appuser")!=-1:
hosted = True
host = "streamlit"
if not host:
host = "localhost"
if return_host:
return hosted, host
return hosted
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30299267/geometric-median-of-multidimensional-points
def geometric_median(X, eps=1e-5):
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, euclidean
y = np.mean(X, 0)
while True:
D = cdist(X, [y])
nonzeros = (D != 0)[:, 0]
Dinv = 1 / D[nonzeros]
Dinvs = np.sum(Dinv)
W = Dinv / Dinvs
T = np.sum(W * X[nonzeros], 0)
num_zeros = len(X) - np.sum(nonzeros)
if num_zeros == 0:
y1 = T
elif num_zeros == len(X):
return y
R = (T - y) * Dinvs
r = np.linalg.norm(R)
rinv = 0 if r == 0 else num_zeros/r
y1 = max(0, 1-rinv)*T + min(1, rinv)*y
if euclidean(y, y1) < eps:
return y1
y = y1
def set_to_periodic_range(v, min=-180, max=180):
from math import fmod
tmp = fmod(v-min, max-min)
if tmp>=0: tmp+=min
else: tmp+=max
return tmp
if __name__ == "__main__":