"""Dev app to try things out."""
import time
from urllib import parse
import vizro.models as vm
import vizro.plotly.express as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.managers import data_manager
from vizro.models.types import capture
from dash import dcc, callback, Output, Input, State
def dynamic_data():
return px.data.iris().sample(50)
data_manager["iris"] = dynamic_data
# It's a bit fiddly to parse the query string and add the refresh parameter but should work well.
# A simpler way would be to not have a callback here and just set
# routing_callback_inputs={"refresh_interval": Input("interval", "n_intervals")}
# in the initial Dash instantiation. This only works if layout remains a function though, and that might change in
# future.
# See https://github.com/plotly/dash/issues/2904 for more options and also note on_page_load solution.
REFRESH_INTERVAL = 3000 # in milliseconds
Output("refresh_location", "search"), Input("refresh_interval", "n_intervals"), State("refresh_location", "search")
def update_refresh_query_param(n_intervals, search):
search = search.removeprefix("?") # Only Python 3.9+!
params = parse.parse_qs(search)
params["refresh"] = time.time()
return "?" + parse.urlencode(params, doseq=True)
class RefreshingDashboard(vm.Dashboard):
def build(self):
dashboard = super().build()
dashboard.children = [
dcc.Location(id="refresh_location", refresh="callback-nav"),
dcc.Interval(id="refresh_interval", n_intervals=0, interval=REFRESH_INTERVAL),
return dashboard
# Draw a violin plot if there's only one species selected and a scatter plot otherwise.
def my_graph(data_frame):
if data_frame["species"].nunique() == 1:
return px.violin(data_frame, x="sepal_width")
return px.scatter(data_frame, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length", color="species")
page = vm.Page(
another_page = vm.Page(
title="More blah",
components=[vm.Card(text="blah blah")],
dashboard = RefreshingDashboard(pages=[page, another_page])
app = Vizro().build(dashboard).dash