# TODO: this should happen automatically in the future
import jc.common
from fasthtml.common import *
def render(todo):
show = AX(todo.title, f'/todos/{todo.id}', 'current-todo')
edit = AX('edit', f'/edit/{todo.id}' , 'current-todo')
dt = ' (done)' if todo.done else ''
return Li(show, dt, ' | ', edit, id=f'todo-{todo.id}')
app,rt,todos,Todo = fast_app('/todos.db', render, id=int, title=str, done=bool, pk='id')
def get():
inp = Input(id="new-title", name="title", placeholder="New Todo")
add = Form(Group(inp, Button("Add")), hx_post="/", target_id='todo-list', hx_swap="beforeend")
card = Card(Ul(*todos(), id='todo-list'), header=add, footer=Div(id='current-todo')),
# TODO: can fasthtml do this automatically?
# this will cause all urls, like '/' to be prefixed by the base url / root_path
# following https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69456875/how-to-configure-base-url-for-all-requests-using-htmx
script = Script("""
document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', (event) => {
event.detail.path = `""" +jc.asgi.ROOT_PATH +"""${event.detail.path}`
return Titled('Todo list', card, script)
def post(todo:Todo):
return todos.insert(todo), Input(id="new-title", name="title", placeholder="New Todo", hx_swap_oob='true')
def get(id:int):
res = Form(Group(Input(id="title"), Button("Save")),
Hidden(id="id"), CheckboxX(id="done", label='Done'),
hx_put="/", target_id=f'todo-{id}', id="edit")
return fill_form(res, todos[id])
def put(todo: Todo): return todos.upsert(todo), clear('current-todo')
def get(id:int):
todo = todos[id]
btn = Button('delete', hx_delete=f'/todos/{todo.id}', target_id=f'todo-{id}', hx_swap="outerHTML")
return Div(Div(todo.title), btn)
def delete(id:int):
return clear('current-todo')