App Bar Color Change and Authentication Demo - Solara
HotKey Event Handler with Dialog in Solara
Real-Time BTC Price Tracker with Solara
Parse JSON Data with Streamlit and Jiter
Interactive Stock Performance Analysis with Langchain, Plotly and Solara
Sometimes on_selection does not trigger
Todo List Management App - FastHTML Example
Streamlit and Machine Learning Ops
GPT-4 Chatbot with OpenAI Streaming
Meterstand Time Series Analysis
Logfire HTTPX Monitoring
Demos react-jsonschema using solara and ipyreact
Reactive References to fields in a dataclass
Mistral, PydanticAI and Solara: AI-Powered Banking Support Chatbot
Just a demo
Interactive Decision Boundary Visualization with sklearn
Energy Consumption and Performance Analysis for Hybrid Heatpump setup
Solara Navigation Example
Sharing state between multiple users/tabs
Pong Game Demo using Solara and Pygame
Streamlit on
3D Data Visualization and hand tracked selection
Shared resource using solara computed
Interactive Data Visualization with Perspective
Using transitions/animations with solara
Demo: Handling Mutable Data with Reactive Variables Using Solara Library
Interactive Scatter Plot Demo - bqplot
Image Carousel Demo using Dash Swiper
Tab Switching Demo - Streamlit
Data Insights with Streamlit and Pandas
LocalStorage in Solara using a vue template
Solara Interactive Data Fetcher
Generate a url for pycafe
Create a Counter Widget with anywidget
Solara File Selector
Interactive Button Confetti
Build Package Interaction
Streamlit Custom Metrics Visualization
Alert Dialog Demo - streamlit-shadcn-ui
Dynamically loading an sqlite sqlite3 extension (sqlite_vec) on WASM, Pyodide, Emscripten, PyCafe
calling dlopen twice
Streamlit Tokenizer Analysis
Poetic Responses with Anthropic API
Side-by-Side Graph Visualization
Side-by-Side Graph Visualization using Bootstrap
Display a local image using Dash
3D Building Visualization with Leafmap
Stock Trends with Pandas and Dash
OpenAI and Secrets Demo Using Streamlit
getting and displaying secrets on pycafe
Random Card Generator
See if we can load tiktoken
Snippet Sharing Tool Demo8
Virus Spread Simulation with Streamlit2
Example with bqplot-image-gl
Pyxel Game Demo with Solara Integration
Snippet Sharing Tool Demo (with files)
Snippet Sharing Tool Demo (with requirements)
How to manage the layout of division/figures in dash using bootstrap
Dash Context Menu Interaction
Authorization and authentication example - Solara
Interactive Model Deployment and Fitting demonstrating the Menu componnent
Country-City Selector
Solara Click Tracker
Interactive Geospatial Visualizations with Streamlit-Folium
Todo List Manager
Interactive Analysis of Mobile Network Performance
Demonstrates a bug with solara updating the InputInt with the state value aggresively
Solara Word Limit Utilities
Solara Double Click Interaction
Interactive Button Clicker with ipywidgets
Text Sentence Embeddings Visualizer
Interactive Streamlit Components on
Pong Game - modified by Rosa and Jara
Interactive Starfield Demo using Pygame
Pygame Demo using Solara
Use state on multiple pages
Django Web Application on PyCafe
Visualizing Vue.js Events with Solara2
Temperature Conversion Tool
Temperature Unit Conversion Tool
Interactive Greeting App with Panel
State Change Demo with Custom Equals Function using Solara
Sentiment Analysis Solara app using Transformers-JS-Py
Interactive City Map Viewer (Shiny & ipyleaflet)
mtcars Interactive Plotting with Shiny and Plotnine
vue-tour demo
WebSocket Interaction with FastHTML
Array Operations Demo with Solara and Arro3
Interactive Data Styling with Pandas and Seaborn
Fasthtml Interactive Hello World
Multi-Page App Demo with Dash and Libraries Examples
Styling dash using CSS file in the assets folder
Dash Color Style Demo
Multi-Page Navigation Example Using Dash
Scroll to Target Example
Web App Demo for Streamlit on Pycafe
Mock Company Style Chooser - ipyantd
3D Vector Field Visualization with Ipyvolume
Airline Safety Data Viewer with Streamlit-AgGrid
Execute a task when a reactive variable changes
Interactive Style Picker with ipyantd
Dash Bootstrap Components layout demo
Iris k-means Clustering Demo - Dash
Dash Mantine Component Demo
Interactive Gantt Chart load example
Advanced Drawable Canvas with Streamlit
Interactive Car Performance visualization with Altair
Car Performance Comparison with Altair
Interactive Car Dataset Visualization with Altair, Vega, and ipydatagrid
Interactive Taipy-Based Data Visualization
Interactive 3D MRI Viewer
Dash Image Loader
A minimal Dash app will typically look like this
Example on how to use your own model with solara
Smiley Face Canvas Drawing Demo Using Solara and Ipycanvas
Fractal Tree Generator using Solara and Ipycanvas
Ipyreact example showing how to compose / have children
Voronoi Diagram Demonstration using ipyreact
Image Segmentation and Analysis Dashboard using stackview
Country and City Picker
Demo of Vizro - by @quantumblack - AI by @McKinsey
Iris Flower Data Analysis
Iris Dataset Visualization Demo using Vizro
Mesa running in Solara: Money Model
Solara Click Increment App
Demo app of Streamlit on
Dashboard for Interactive Data Visualization using Solara
Gymnasium on Pycafe
Solara Button Clicker
MRI Visualization Using Ipyvolume
Interactive 3D Voxel Visualization using ipyvolume
Test importing ladybug-vtk with vtk dependency
Interactive VTK Cone Visualization using vtk-js and dask
Multi-page App with Dash Pages
ipywidgets JS Value Linkage
Interactive 3D Vector Field Visualization
Interactive S&P 500 Visualization
Tesla Stock Analysis with Dash and Mitosheet
Try to see how far modal can be imported/run
Mutate a dataframe, instead of a copy
Using query parameters with solara
Matplotlib Bar Chart with pypalettes
Dash Web Colors Demo
Scatter Plot with Plotly
Interactive Sine Wave Explorer
Simple example from ipyflex
Using ipyreact to expose flexlayout to Python / Solara
Selecting Countries and Continent
Autofocus on textfield, and do not lose focus on button press
ag-Grid using Solara
Interactive Olympic Winners Dashboard with Ag-Grid
Force focus on a particular element in solara
Dynamic rotating cubes using threejs-fiber in solara
Confetti Button Demo using canvas-confetti with ipyreact
Responsive matplotlib in Solara
Trying out textual with ipytextual in solara
Crossfilter Reset workaround for Solara
Animated GDP and population over decades with Plotly
Flowchart Visualization Tool with ipyreactflow
Web App: Interactive HTML Preview using Solara
Interactive Map using Leafmap and Solara
Web app for retrieving secrets using pycafe library!
Track Clicks and Change Color - Solara
Interactive Button Click Counter with Color Change
Interactive Button Click Counter using Solara
Clickable Button Counter using Solara
Dashboard for tracking button clicks with color change (Solara)
Sentiment Analysis Dashboard using Transformers-JS-Py
Interactive Word Limit Checker with Solara
Interactive Map with Leafmap and Solara
Interactive Markdown Styling Selector with Dash
Displaying Solar Power Generation Data with Solara and Ploomber
Track Clicks Web App
Reactive Key-Value Data Retrieval示
Monitor and Limit Word Count with Solara
Dashboard: Interactive Button Counter with Color Change
Reactive Secret Retrieval with Solara
Exception Handler Using Solara
Route Generator App with Google Maps Integration
Interactive Markdown Color Changer with Dash
Color-themed Markdown Styler
Data Exploration Dashboard: Histogram by Continent