# https://dashaggridexamples.pythonanywhere.com/tooltips
from dash import Dash, html, Input, Output, dcc, no_update, ctx, State
import dash_ag_grid as dag
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pandas as pd
from cmo_function import *
pd.set_option('future.no_silent_downcasting', True)
# List of commodities indexed by group
Indices = ['Energy', 'Beverages', 'Oils and Meals', 'Grains', 'Other Food', 'Timber', 'Other Raw Materials', 'Fertilizers', 'Metals and Minerals', 'Precious Metals']
# Define url for data
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/Figure-Friday/refs/heads/main/2024/week-50/CMO-Historical-Data-Monthly.csv"
#Data preprocessing================================================================
def read_and_clean_data(url):
# Read data
data = pd.read_csv(url)
# Remove a few columns with empty values
removelist = ['Barley', 'Sorghum', 'Shrimps, Mexican', 'Phosphate rock']
data = data.drop(removelist, errors = 'ignore', axis = 1)
# Remove special character from column names
data.columns = [col.strip(' **').replace('.', '') for col in data.columns]
# Get unit of measurement for each commodity
commodity_unit_of_measurement = data[:1].T.to_dict(orient='dict')[0]
commodity_unit_of_measurement.pop('Unnamed: 0')
# Clean unit of measurement
unit = {}
for k, v in commodity_unit_of_measurement.items():
val = v.strip('()').replace('$/cubic meter', '$/cum',).replace('$/troy oz', '$/toz').replace('cents/sheet', '¢/sheets')
unit[k] = val
# Drop first two rows
df = data.drop([0, 1])
# Convert all values to numeric in columns starting from the second one
for col in df.columns[1:]:
df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce').ffill()
# Rename first column and convert to datetime
df = df.rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0': 'Date'})
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%YM%m')
# Add year and formatted month columns
df['month_3'] = df['Date'].dt.strftime('%b')
df['year'] = df['Date'].dt.year
# Reorder months
month_order_list = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
df['month_3'] = df['month_3'].astype("category").cat.set_categories(month_order_list, ordered=True)
# Filter data by selected years (2010-2024)
df = df[df['year'] >= 2010].reset_index(drop=True)
return df, unit
# Get data and unit
df_2010_2024, unit = read_and_clean_data(url)
df_for_table = df_2010_2024.iloc[-13:, :-2].copy()
def get_commodity_group(dff, indices):
# Get commodity groups for each index
energy_cols = dff.columns[1:11].tolist()
beverages_cols = dff.columns[11:18].tolist()
oils_meals = dff.columns[18:29].tolist()
grains = dff.columns[29:36].tolist()
other_food = dff.columns[36:46].tolist()
timber_cols = dff.columns[46:51].tolist()
other_raw_cols = dff.columns[51:54].tolist()
fertilizers_cols = dff.columns[54:58].tolist()
metals_cols = dff.columns[58:65].tolist()
precious_metals_cols = dff.columns[65:68].tolist()
# Create a list of all groups
all_groups = [energy_cols, beverages_cols, oils_meals, grains, other_food, timber_cols,
other_raw_cols, fertilizers_cols, metals_cols, precious_metals_cols]
# Create a dictionary with index as key and group as value
commodity_groups = {}
for i, g in zip(indices, all_groups):
commodity_groups[i] = g
return commodity_groups
# Get commodity groups
commodity_groups = get_commodity_group(df_2010_2024, Indices)
def melt_data(dff):
# Use melt to reshape the data
dfp = (pd.melt(
.sort_values(by=['Product','Date'], ascending=[True, True])
#add price previous month and price previous year
dfp['Price'] = dfp['Price'].astype(float)
dfp['Price pm'] = dfp['Price'].shift(1).astype(float)
dfp['Price py'] = dfp['Price'].shift(12).astype(float)
#add YoY and MoM changes
dfp['MoM change'] = dfp['Price'].pct_change().astype(float)
dfp['YoY change'] = dfp['Price'].pct_change(12).astype(float)
return dfp
# Get melted data
df_melt = melt_data(df_for_table)
# Get datafreame with graph for ag-grid table
dfgrid = create_sparkline(df_melt)
# Add column with unit of measurement
dfgrid['Unit'] = dfgrid['Product'].map(unit)
# Create app object=================================================================
app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP,
#Create component===================================================================
# Create ag-grid table--------------------------------------------------------------
# Define columns headers to show in ag-grid
maxmonth = dfgrid['Date'].max()
lastmonth_label = maxmonth.strftime('%b %Y')
prevmonth_label = (maxmonth + pd.DateOffset(months=-1)).strftime('%b %Y')
prevyear_label = (maxmonth + pd.DateOffset(years=-1)).strftime('%b %Y')
# Conditional formatting
sellstyle_condition = {
# Set of rules
"styleConditions": [
{"condition": "params.value > 0", "style": {"color": "green"}},
{"condition": "params.value < 0", "style": {"color": "crimson"},
# Default style if no rules apply
"defaultStyle": {"color": "black"}}
# Column definitions for ag-grid
columnDefs = [
{"headerName": "Commodity", "field": "Product", "minWidth": 160,
'type': 'leftAligned', "headerClass": "header-medium", 'tooltipField': "Product",
'headerTooltip': "To view historical data, click on the cell with the Commodity name."},
{"headerName": "Unit", "field": "Unit", "minWidth": 100, 'type': 'leftAligned', "headerClass": "header-medium"},
# Header with subheaders
{'headerName': 'Average Price',
"children": [
{"headerName": lastmonth_label,
"field": "Price",
"valueFormatter": {"function": "d3.format(',.2f')(params.value)"}},
{"headerName": prevmonth_label ,
"field": "Price pm",
"valueFormatter": {"function": "d3.format(',.2f')(params.value)"}},
{"headerName": prevyear_label,
"field": "Price py",
"valueFormatter": {"function": "d3.format(',.2f')(params.value)"}},
# Header with subheaders and conditional formatting
{'headerName': 'Percent Change',
"children": [
{"headerName": "PM",
"field": "MoM change", "minWidth": 85,
'headerTooltip': "Previous Month",
"tooltipValueGetter": {
"function": "'Price of ' + params.data.Product + ' changes vs PM in ' \
+ d3.format(',.2f')(params.data.Price - params.data['Price pm']) + '$'"},
"valueFormatter": {"function": "d3.format('.1%')(params.value)"},
'cellStyle': sellstyle_condition},
{"headerName": "PY",
"field": "YoY change", "minWidth": 85,
'headerTooltip': "Previous Year",
"tooltipValueGetter": {
"function": "'Price of ' + params.data.Product + ' changes vs PY in ' \
+ d3.format(',.2f')(params.data.Price - params.data['Price py']) + '$'"},
"valueFormatter": {"function": "d3.format('.1%')(params.value)"},
'cellStyle': sellstyle_condition }
# Fild with graphs
{'headerName': 'Price Trend',
"children": [
{"field": "graph",
"cellRenderer": "DCC_GraphClickData",
"headerName": f"{prevyear_label} - {lastmonth_label}",
"filter": False, 'sortable': False,
"maxWidth": 300,
"minWidth": 200}
# Set default column properties"
defaultColDef = {"resizable": True, "sortable": True, "filter": True, "minWidth": 112, 'type': 'rightAligned'}
# Set default table properties
dashGridOptions={"rowHeight": 49, "animateRows": False, "pagination": True, "paginationPageSize": 20, "tooltipShowDelay":0}
# Create ag-grid table
aggrid_table = dag.AgGrid(
rowStyle={"backgroundColor": "rgba(255,255,255,1)"},
style={"height": "794px"})
# Define unit abbreviations
content_abbreviations = dcc.Markdown('''
- **$** = US dollar
- **bbl** = barrel
- **cum** = cubic meter
- **dmt** = dry metric ton
- **kg** = kilogram
- **mmbtu** = million British thermal units
- **mt** = metric ton
- **toz** = troy oz
- **¢/sheets** = cents per sheet''',
style={'font-size': '14px', 'color': 'dimgray'})
# Create dropdown for unit abbreviations(desebled)
dropdown_abreviations = dbc.DropdownMenu(
label="Abbreviations of Units",
children=dbc.DropdownMenuItem(content_abbreviations, disabled=True),
toggle_style={'background': '#8FBBD9', 'border': '1px solid #8FBBD9'} )
# Create modal with line and area graphs
modal_with_graph = dbc.Modal([
dcc.Graph(id='area-fillgradient-graph', figure={}, config=config_dict),
dcc.Graph(id='line-prc-change-graph', figure={}, config=config_dict, className='mt-4')]),
dbc.ModalFooter(dbc.Button("Close", id="close-modal-button",
n_clicks=0, class_name='ms-auto btn-secondary'),
# Create accordion with commodity groups
accordion_with_commodity_groups = dbc.Accordion(
dbc.Button(commodity, id=f'{index}-{commodity}',
n_clicks=0, color='link',
className='btn-link text-decoration-none p-0',
style={'color': 'dimgray'})) for commodity in commodities])
]) for index, commodities in commodity_groups.items()
], start_collapsed=False)
# Create modal with graph for commodity group
modal_commodity_group_graph = dbc.Modal([
dbc.ModalBody(dcc.Graph(id="modal-commodity-group-graph", config=config_dict)),
html.Label('• To add a line for comparison, click on the corresponding item in the legend.', className='ms-5'),
dbc.Button("Close", id="close-modal-commodity-group", className="ms-auto btn-secondary", n_clicks=0)], className='p-0'),
# Create text for tooltip
text_commodities = html.Label("To view historical data, click on the cell with the Product name in the 'Commodity' column or select from the list below.")
# Create dropdown menu for sources
dropdown_sources = dbc.DropdownMenu(
dbc.DropdownMenuItem('World Bank Group', href='https://www.worldbank.org/en/research/commodity-markets#1',
target='_blank ', style={'color': 'dimgray'}),
dbc.DropdownMenuItem('Figure Friday 2024-week 50', href='https://community.plotly.com/t/figure-friday-2024-week-50/89366/1',
target='_blank ', style={'color': 'dimgray'}),
dbc.DropdownMenuItem('Plotly Library for Python', href='https://plotly.com/python/', target='_blank ', style={'color': 'dimgray'}),
dbc.DropdownMenuItem('Plotly Dash', href='https://dash.plotly.com/', target='_blank ', style={'color': 'dimgray'}),
dbc.DropdownMenuItem('GitHub Repository', href='https://github.com/natatsypora/commodity_price_data',
target='_blank ', style={'color': 'dimgray'}),
toggle_style={'background': '#8FBBD9', 'border': '1px solid #8FBBD9'} )
# Create app layout==============================================================
app.layout = dbc.Container([
# Header
html.Img(src="./assets/cmo_2.png", alt="Commodities image", id='commodities-image', style={'height': '70px'}),
dbc.Tooltip(text_commodities, target="commodities-image", placement='bottom', style={'color': 'lightgrey'}) ],
width=3, className='d-flex justify-content-center'),
dbc.Col(html.H2('World Bank Commodity Price Analytics',
className='text-center my-3',
style={'color': 'rgba(31,119,180,0.8)'}),
width=8, className='text-center'),
dbc.Col(dropdown_sources, width=1, className='d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center')
], class_name='mb-4 border-bottom bg-light'),
# Body
dbc.Col(html.Div(accordion_with_commodity_groups), width=3 ),
dbc.Button('Reset Table Filters', id='reset-filters-button', n_clicks=0, class_name='btn-secondary'),
dbc.Button('Download CSV', id='download-button', n_clicks=0, class_name='btn-secondary'),
], className='d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center'),
], width=9, style={'padding-left': '0px'}),
], class_name='mb-3'),
dbc.Row([ modal_with_graph, modal_commodity_group_graph]),
], class_name='border-top bg-light')
# Callbacks================================================================
# Callback to handle cell clicks and display modal with graph
Output("modal-with-graph", "is_open"),
Output("area-fillgradient-graph", "figure"),
Output("line-prc-change-graph", "figure"),
Input('ag-grid-with-graph', 'cellClicked'),
State("modal-with-graph", "is_open") ,
def display_modal(selected_cell, is_open):
if selected_cell and selected_cell['colId'] == 'Product':
product = selected_cell['value']
dff = df_2010_2024[['Date', product]]
# Create line graph with positive and negative values colored differently
line_prc_change_graph = line_chart_with_pos_and_neg_colors(dff, 'Date', product,
pos_color, neg_col, title=f"MoM Change of Price across Years")
line_prc_change_graph.update_layout(paper_bgcolor='white', plot_bgcolor='white',)
# Create area graph for period from 01/2010 to 11/2024
title = f"Monthly Price of {product} <br><sup>Historical Data for period from 01/2010 to 11/2024"
fig = create_area_fillgradient(dff, 'Date', product, col_scale, line_color, title)
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate='%{x}<br>Price = $%{y:,.2f}')
fig.update_layout(paper_bgcolor='white', plot_bgcolor='white', height=350)
# Update properties for Plywood Commodity
if product == 'Plywood':
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate='%{x}<br>Price = ¢%{y:,.2f}')
# Open modal and display graphs
return True, fig , line_prc_change_graph
return is_open, no_update, no_update
# Callback to close the modal
Output("modal-with-graph", "is_open", allow_duplicate=True),
Input("close-modal-button", "n_clicks"),
State("modal-with-graph", "is_open") ,
def display_modal( n_clicks_close, is_open):
if n_clicks_close :
return False
return is_open
# Callback to reset filtering and column state (sort and filter)
Output('ag-grid-with-graph', 'filterModel'),
Output('ag-grid-with-graph', 'resetColumnState'),
Input('reset-filters-button', 'n_clicks'),
def reset_all_filters(n_clicks):
if n_clicks > 0:
return {}, True
return no_update, no_update
# Callback to download the data as csv file
Output("ag-grid-with-graph", "exportDataAsCsv"),
Output("ag-grid-with-graph", "csvExportParams"),
Input("download-button", "n_clicks"),
def export_data_as_csv(n_clicks):
if n_clicks:
# Extract all column keys except for the last column
column_keys = dfgrid.columns[:-1].tolist()
return True, {"fileName": "commodities-prices.csv", 'columnKeys': column_keys}
return False, {}
# Callback to open modal and display commodity group graph
Output("commodity-group-modal", "is_open"),
Output("modal-commodity-group-graph", "figure"),
[Input(f'{index}-{commodity}', 'n_clicks') for index, com_group in commodity_groups.items() for commodity in com_group],
Input("close-modal-commodity-group", "n_clicks"),
State("commodity-group-modal", "is_open"),
def toggle_modal(*args):
if not ctx.triggered_id:
return no_update, no_update
if ctx.triggered_id == "close-modal-commodity-group":
return False, no_update
# Get button id
button_id = ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0]
# Split button_id to get group and commodity names
group_name, commodity_name = button_id.split('-')
# Get commodity columns for selected group
commodity_columns = commodity_groups[group_name]
# Create graph for commodity group
commodity_groups_graph = line_chart_for_commodity_group(df_2010_2024, commodity_columns, commodity_name, group_name)
return True, commodity_groups_graph
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run_server(debug=False, port=8051)