Dash Mantine Components Theme Builder
Checkbox Custom Sizes Demonstration
Button Custom Variants Demo
ActionIcon Custom Variants Demo
Plotly's Figure Friday Challenge 20024 week 52: Public SaaS Companies Data Explorer
Dash AG Grid with Mantine Theme Switch
Dash AG Grid with Theme Toggle and conditional formatting
Dash AG Grid with DMC Components as Cell Editors
dmc.Progress card
dmc.RingProgess cards
responsive kpi card grid
Interactive Data Visualization with Dash and Mantine
Custom Themed Plotly Figures with Dash Mantine
Responsive Mobile Navbar Demo
AppShell with responsive width and height
AppShell with scrollable navbar
Appshell with navbar, header, aside and footer
DMC AppShell with collapsible navbar on both desktop and moble
Dash-Mantine Theme Toggle App
Alt Layout on Dash with AppShell
Basic Appshell with Collapsible Navbar